I have played this game like 5 times now and no other visual novel has touched my soul the way you have, still go through the emotional rollercoaster every time. I can not wait for the final chapter to come out. Any idea on a time frame for that?
Thanks my friend you have touched my sou in more ways the one.
It's a powerful thing to hear that this "touched your soul." Thank you. It means a lot.
I don't have a time frame. To put it short, with each update I try and learn or try something new. I ran into a few hiccups in that process again but I've adjusted. Even bought a new rig to pump out stuff quicker. This is the end tho so I'm taking it slow. I'm def not a fast writer and I know that sucks for the closure for all of us. It's still gonna be awhile though
I wish I knew how to put into words how this made me feel. So many emotions went through me when reading this.
Trying to avoid any spoiler type lines but man when everything played out and the line from Zack, "...More than anything." during a certain scene.. that still resonates in my head. That was such a little thing but it's those kinds of things that hit home to me.
You've done such an amazing job with this project and I loved every second of it.
thank you. I appreciate this. There's a few lines in the game that still echo to me, too and I wrote the damn thing. I think by the end, we'll all have more. One last rollercoaster to ride
hello aaryn. Pls extend my heartfelt thanks to your co writer blayke. you both created a masterpiece. i mean, .. I am 28 year old gay asian dude and the story of Zach and Braden really hits me hard. Like real sh*t and stuff.
I am crying at some point, then so much inloved and then another second jerking off. God! You guys are real artist. how can you play with so many emotions at the same time?
I honestly love you and to all of your team who created this masterpiece . Please keep me posted if when will be the next update
i still cant believe that the game already ended. I want more, i wish for more ,i crave for more.
I really want to suppport you guys like donate and stuff but my situation in my country is pretty rough too. I am sending my prayers that you continue this art . Pleaseeee. I beg you to continue the game and the story.
Noy, first off...sorry about all the tears. But also kinda not sorry because it sounds like you're enjoying the ride. :P I appreciate your enthusiasm and part of me is a bit jealous that you've gone through the game probably more times than I actually have. I'll also never get over the fact that this project has gone global. It's incredibly powerful to think that I can emotionally touch someone on the other side of the world, who grew up differently than me, and still have shared emotional reactions to these characters. That means a lot to me.
In terms of financial support, please don't worry about it. I've been more than blessed through this project and people have been generous. I release it for free because tons of people aren't in a position to contribute. I want people to enjoy the story and if it really speaks to them, I don't want them to feel guilty for having to steal it. Please, be safe and take care of yourself and those you care about. The game will be free regardless and your prayers matter a lot more than money ever will. Thank you <3
thanks aaryn. Am sorry if i'm so emotional about it. it's just that, it is my first time to encounter such masterpiece that reflects my own experiences in life. Soo relatable.
I Cant thank you and your team enough. i love you guys always. ♥️😘 Love lots from the philippines.
I don’t even know how to start this comment after playing Str8!? I rarely ever comment on things but my heart, and my head were pulled in so many directions that I honestly don’t think I could explain it without writing a VN myself. and, just to clarify... I. Loved. Every. Second. Of it.
Because, I just stumbled across this. Thinking not much of it, I read it was a slow burn story and thought "mm okay seems interesting, mite have a look" I love story driven content and, oh man.. am I glad I did.. I got hooked, with the line, the sinker, the boat and an anker dropped on my head while being glued to my computer, all while my heart... just.. my heart...
Aaryn and Blayke, Thanks. Many people have already said the things I think and feel before me, and I agree with them completely. Wonderful storytelling, great characters, visuals, character development. It is emotional, suspenseful, heartbreaking, exciting, joyful, meaningful.. an awesome rollercoaster, and the progress from you both over the course of VN/game is awesome as well, actually kinda adds to the story.
Like I said, I could write a VN to explain it all but I’ll try and keep it short..ish..? I related to it… a lot, honestly, a lot more than I ever thought, on a few levels. I fell in love with the characters, the story & I found myself emotionally attached to Zack and Braden, wanting to find out more. Worrying about them, hoping, wishing, laughing, shedding a tear and rooting for them just wanting to click the next page, over and over, along with my anxiety rising and falling with Zacks, sometimes pausing to contemplate life, reminiscing on my own, even commenting out loud or making the same facial expressions as Zack and Braden haha. I could compliment yous’ all day because I genuinely, really, enjoyed this a lot and have but only, one complaint.. (not really) my heart…
Your nailing the emotional aspect. The story & the wisdom. The truthful side of life & it definitely makes the scenes more powerful with my heart pulled from one to the next. I can’t say I struggled to much with my own but I relate so much with Zack, overthinking and some of the struggles & situations, although Straight!? hit more because I had friend, very, very similar to Braden, both friendship, personality, looks and situation but unlike Zack, I never did over come my anxiety. In tern, I lost a best friend, without being my true self or taking the risk. I enjoyed it and enjoyed sharing Zack and Bradons passion & growth, along with yours as you write/develop it. I’m defiantly excited/scared for the last chapter.
and I really hope, that not everything comes to and end, just yet, Semester 2? Eventually, haha.
On a lighter note, I wish I could help make this into something like LIS2 because that complexity of, choices & visual story telling would be awesome! I’d even love to see a follow up story from, say Braden or Ash's perspective because one; id love to see how you write their internal dialog and two; could be a good way later on to delve into the others internal struggles. I’m excited to see the finished story and visuals once you go back over it but even as it is now, I love it.
heya. thanks for the support and I'm glad the game spoke to you. I'm with you on the anxiety parts. I know that some people have been frustrated by Zack's overthinking or his reluctance and doubt. But, to me, that's real life and it's something that a huge number of people have dealt with and I wanted to depict that in a frustrating but innocent way. I also doubt fault you for needing your own VN to react to this one--cause this story is friggen LOOOOOONG. I still got some ideas left on it. I also respect your emotional reactions, including bringing up the best friend from the past. I truly hope you find peace with that. Sometimes those kinds of lessons are the hardest to learn. they have been for me anyway <3
Just read the most recent update. You've done it again. It had me emotional one moment, turned on the next, filled with such joy and later wanting to cry. Such an amazing story.....I'm only mad that I have to wait for more but I guess that's the thing with great story telling. If I was watching this as a TV series I know I would hit even harder. To hear the emotion in their voice would just make you block out the world due to complete immersion. Hell, I already do that to a degree just from reading it. This story really connects with me in so many ways as I listen to the main character's thoughts. To read something that makes you feel so many emotions at once and it flows well. GRADE A material. Keep up the good work.
I sometimes think of it as a tv series and it sorta helps me keep things more episodic. Although seeing it live action would be pretty cool with the right people (although I'd be picky af I'm sure). Thank you. I'm glad to have ya on this crazy rollercoaster :)
I wouldn't blame you for being picky because the actors would truly have to bring those characters to life. Especially Ash. LMAO. Legit my fav other than Braden of course.
Sometimes I think we all need a friend like him so we can remember to just enjoy life without overthinking things. I would also say we all need a friend like Mikhail so that we can simply learn to accept ourselves. We all are unique and can't keep expecting to fit any particular criteria.
hello aaryn. Pls extend my heartfelt thanks to your co writer blake. you both created a masterpiece. i mean, .. I am 28 year old gay asian dude and the story of Zach and Braden really hits me hard. Like real sh*t and stuff.
I am crying at some point, then so much inloved and then another second jerking off. God! You guys are real artist. how can you play with so many emotions at the same time?
I honestly love you and to all of your team who created this masterpiece . Please keep me posted if when will be the next update
i still cant believe that the game already ended. I want more, i wish for more ,i crave for more.
I really want to suppport you guys like donate and stuff but my situation in my country is pretty rough too. I am sending my prayers that you continue this art . Pleaseeee. I beg you to continue the game and the story.
Thank you for an amazing story. I came across this by pure chance on another site, read by someone truly amazing at story telling. The last 2 weeks I've watched about 50%. The worst part is it's the last part. So emotional, and close to home as it seems with many. It's now really different stating at the story from episode 1. Only hearing what happened in the past through the later eps, it's almost unbelievable that these 2 will get together. Mind I've just started.
Q. I saw the game is downloadable on Android. I'm guessing it works well on a phone. If so how big is the game. I don't have a computer of my own so I'd love insight.
I'd love this whole raw draft, even if the story is complete and better.
I don't think it could get better. The story line is so powerful. Tears a plenty here.
Keep up the great work. I've already talked to friends about it.
Heh, there is a lot of emotions in this. Hell, there's a lot of emotions that go into writing it so I'm glad they resonate on the readers' end as well. So the Android port is very new but I haven't actually played it. I switched over to an iPhone about a year ago but I've installed Blue Stacks and I'm gonna try and mess around with it at some point to see if I can get more information about it. However, people say that it works and we've had several people use that format to play. Great to hide in the bathroom for 15 hours and play through the whole thing praying your legs don't go to sleep on the toilet. I will say the beginning of the game is very rough and it's taken me some time to get into this writing thing so I'm gonna go back and fix that part as well as update the graphics. This is just the rough draft so it will definitely get better.
I wish I had the words. What you've made is truly amazing. I've never connected with any literature as much as I have with this. I'm honestly lost for words. What you've made is so real. And what you say is so true. It's hard to find the words to describe one's feeling and emotions and experiences, but everything I've felt before you've managed to find the words for. I genuinely care for these characters (and I'm actually in love with Branden) and you've given them such truth and depth. But even more than that, your philosophical insights, your way of exploring these deep thoughts and drives and emotions and putting them into words, just rings so true. Your words make me feel like I feel when these things happen for real. It's genuinely magical. Thank you. (I hadn't donated before, but you totally deserve it now.)
Thank you. You're very kind and I appreciate the support. I'm glad it's resonated with so many people and I continue to be humbled by the people who are willing to see this project for what it really is rather than look at it as just some porn game. I'm just happy that it means so much to people. Thank you back :)
This VN is absolutely amazing and I'm totally hooked!
I love the the dialogue and the graphics (particularly the detailed attention given to body hair). Everything just makes the characters so lovable and relatable. And Braden ... is it crazy to love a fictional character?
The story transports me to a world of what could have been for me, and sadly reminds me of what i have missed out. I am really shipping Zack and Braden but I've got a sinking feeling they'll be torn apart in the future. Nothing lasts forever ....
Can't wait for the next update, but dreading it at the same time!
Amazing work Aaryn & Blake - when your audience starts having feelings for the characters (I know I do!), you know you're story/game is truly next level.
thank you. i really appreciate this. I'm honored you've grown to love them and that it's had the ability to tug on some of those heartstrings, I know they've driven me crazy over the past few years. We'll have to see how the ending goes. Seems you're picking up on some ominous tones there
Having followed the development of this VN for almost two years and thoroughly enjoying the story, I am sorry that I haven't provided any kind of feedback until now. Where should I begin? Would mere words suffice to commend this masterpiece? Zack and Braden are not only very relatable but they have helped me put things in perspective in ways I cannot describe here. Aaryn, Blayke, thank you very much for giving it to us "straight" ;) I am not in the habit of being hyperbolic and unctuous and so, I am telling you this with utmost sincerity when I say that Straight!? as a mainstream paperback has the potential to become a greater classic than Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda. My overeager, imaginative mind is already inventing dollops of delicious drama involving the (possibly homophobic?) parentals and life after college. I am looking forward to the last chapter and all your future endeavours. More power to you!
Thank you for your kind words. I appreciate the long term support and following--no worries on waiting to post or react to things. I'm glad that it meant something to you and that it resonated with you over the past few years. I still admit to being worried initially that people would think the game too "preachy" but I'm glad people have accepted Zack's own journey on things and I'm always honored when people say that they took something away from that. Idk if it'll be a classic or not but it doesn't have to be at the top of the mainstream lists to mean something to us. I know the journey has meant something to me. Thank you for the support and I hope I do the ending justice :)
Aaryn.reese I know you said you still got a lot of work ahead and I appreciate the amount of effort put into this just a quick question do you have any kind of time frame for the next chapter as much as I know I don't want it to end I also really want to see the next chapter lol even just a rough time frame if you can that is I understand if not seeing as you got all this work ahead
no clue. Each chapter so far as pretty much outdone the previous one in terms of scope. I keep trying new things since this is the first draft and I'm sorta using it to practice. Normal updates usually take around 1000 hours for me to do. The last one took much longer. Right now i've ran into some rendering problems and had to switch up some stuff but that pushed me back. It usually ranges from a few to several months tho. I am working full time on the game now though so i can usually get around 12 hours a day into it so that's helping from the old schedule
alright nice one thanks for letting me know I just can't get enough of my boy Braden lol I'm going to start it all over again from the start probly will be my 5th time lol keep up the good work m8
I just wanna ask about the chapter 9. I see that choosing a pervy and respect route does have a different outcomes. So i want to know in the respect route if Braden didn't tell yet the truth about Ernie or Ernie is a really a maintenance guy in that route? If so, why the highschool photo of Braden in his singlet and the one Zack found is still the same? Im just confused nevertheless I hope u add summer chapter where in they experience LDR and both go to construction like in the loading screen:)
heya. Real quick, you may wanna amend your OP with a spoiler warning because a lot of people read through these comments before downloading. To answer your question, I view the routes as separate--kinda like an alternate universe. If you look closely, you'll see the picture isn't the same. Braden has the singlet on in one pic and he has the beach tank on in the other route
Im sorry about the spoiler, ok that's a nice explanation. Imma play it again at the start and will check the photo. Anyways thanks for the reply and for creating this beautiful game.
no problem at all. no worries on the spoiler either. i gotta watch myself when i talk about stuff. I'm just more aware of it now. I really appreciate the comment and hope you enjoy things :)
The more I play this game the more I get it the more it speaks to my early days as a teen. I my self am gay have known since I was young but still don't have the strength to let people know the real me thinking how they will think or act around me. the only people who know are some of my old friends I used to mess around with there was one friend who we were really close like Braden and Zack we practically lived together either in his house or mine we were inseparable. eventually things changed and we started having fun together but I practically fell in love with this friend over time. we did this for a few years but even tho he loved doing stuff with me he never once looked at another boy like the way he did me so I get the part about Braden cause my friend was the same he always dated girls always attracted to girls but I was the exception. it was nice to know that feeling being there only one and this story makes me think back to those days that's why I love it so much. sadly like the story suggests nothing lasts forever and I'm not looking forward to this story ending. I am thankful to you for making a story like this as it has awakened some long lost memories of my own that sadly fade away after some years your story speaks to me so much and I never really noticed why I loved it so much thank you
I appreciate you sharing this publicly. There's one guy over on youtube that just trolls the game and gets his community all worked up. They seem to hate Braden for this very reason because they think it doesn't exist in real life. It's always interesting to see a large group of gays persecuting someone else for their sexuality so I can't take them seriously at all. However, you're right... Braden's exist and I think it's more common than we think. But I wanted to validate that and show some different forms of sexuality and how they play out rather than many of the stereotypes we've seen in the media. Plus, there's just a lot of feelings for both of them to work through in this sense. I'm glad it hit you on a personal level <3
forget all the haters that's there opinion everyone is entitled to there own but I know from experience that Braden's sexual situation is a real thing. me and my friend got really close and had the same situation I'm 100% gay but he was definitely straight but had only one exception and I was lucky that it was me and I know for a fact he could get any guy he wanted if he wanted them but he didn't he was all for the female gender except when it came to me and I'm not a feminine acting person I was like him everyone thought I was straight even he did until one night when we first had some fun it was something I never thought could ever even happen always secretly hoped but never even imagined it possible with him but I known him for so long he told me everything and anyone he was ever with but for us tho it was like a unspoken pleasure we would have fun almost every night after the first time we experienced each other like that but none of us would speak of it after it and it would continue for years. your story is the best thing I have ever had the pleasure of reading I spent hours each day never wanting to stop reading and waking up looking forward to catching up on the story and even tho I know it will end I look forward to more future projects I will definitely be looking out for your work it's just amazing
Aaryn.reese I loved the update and I love your work I really hope we get to see zack and Braden become a couple also will zack meet Branden’s family and if he does will he meet them as Braden,s boyfriend and please tell me there will by 2 are 3 more chapters because I don’t want it to end. Ps I loved the dirty😈 scenes in the next captors will they go further
thank you for the kind words. I think a lot of us are nervous about the ending of this. There's a lot of strong scenes left to play out that will probably jerk this story all over the place up until the very end. Hopefully, it's one last ride that's worth it :)
Can anyone tell me how to get the different outcomes I have played this 2 times already got 2 different outcomes so far I think but when I look at the pics in the folder I see a lot of pic sets of things that never happened when I played like Zack spy's on Braden in toilet stall, and Zack walks in on Braden in his locker room there is a lot here that I never got to happen what's steps to take to get these actions I will play this game over and over just to see the different outcomes lol
If you're talking about the scenes I think you are, it's probably the difference between the pervy and respect routes. Have you done both of those routes?
the most common missed part of the game (and honestly one of my favorite early hints into Braden's personality) is Braden's bully story when you get a choice on whether to grab Braden's shoulders at the urinal to scare him or not. Your choice there may or may not active a side story you can check out in the cafeteria later. Lot of people miss that one so it's kinda turned into a hidden gem at this point
well I intend on playing it over again till I see every part I love the whole story I love how much detail you went into for everything with Braden and Zack
I really don't know what to write here. I have no words. The story captivated me and I fell in love with the characters. Couldn't put it down once I started. Thank you for sharing such an incredible game with us! I really can't wait for more. <3
heh, well I think as long as this game is that I've talked long enough for the both of us :p but seriously, thank you. I really appreciate this. I'm working on the last chapter now so stay tuned <3
I love the game the way it is. It is a romantic, yet not cringy story with a perfect touch of kinkiness. The characters' personality has been very well-developed, and it makes the whole story feel very authentic and relatable. I am glad it isn't just porn. I wish it never finished. You really did a great job.
My only complaint about the latest update is how sometimes it freezes in my phone and I have to restart.
glad you're enjoying it. it's a weird mix i think with the story and adult content but hopefully you can see that the adult content has it's purpose and place in the story and isn't just there to be porny. Sorry you're having trouble with the phone version. I haven't gotten a chance to test it cause I dont have access to android. If you're getting any specific errors or anything tho, i may be able to help with that
The adult content definitely has its purpose and the story is great, I love the two main characters and their insecurities. It's a delightful middle point between the "family-friendly love stories" where nothing steamy ever happens and some erotic fan fictions with a lot of sex but weak stories. The visual novel concept is great concept in my opinion, even more when we can choose different options that change the story. I wish there were more games like this. So I just want to thank you again for your work.
The game works fine most of the time in my phone, but sometimes the screen goes black. There's no error code anywhere, I just see a completely black screen. This has happened to me about five or six times, it was either when I turned off the screen for just a minute (like a small toilet break), or I checked a notification from another app. Once the screen goes black there's no way back, I didn't see any way to "unfreeze it" and the game didn't restart in its own either. Clicking the game from the menu didn't have any effect, so I had to close the game manually (force closed) and I lost my unsaved progress. Luckily, the auto-saving feature works, so I didn't lose too much progress.
My phone is a Poco X3 Pro with Android 11, Snapdragon 860, 6GB RAM DDR4 and 128GB UFS 2.1. It isn't a big deal anyway.
Hmm... i'm new to posting the android port. I have a guy that does it for me but one of the issues with android is they're all so different so it could be a snag with your phone type or something. I haven't heard anyone on the discord mention it going dark and they're pretty good about letting me know things that are messed up. It also could be bugging out with the screen shut off. I actually dont have a way to test android yet. I'm gonna work on getting an emulator on my desktop and see if i can test it that way but I usually just depend on the community to let me know if things are running smoothly. I do the same thing with the MAC port. Sorry about it acting up though. that's annoying to have to keep restarting it though. i can ask around and see if anyone else has mentioned it
Hey, this game was one of the first that I have played on this website. I am really invested in your story. And the fact that I'd be in college in very few months as a bi guy (almost gay if you don't count specific attractive women lmao) makes me relate to Zack so much. Actually, I relate to every protag in the game. The story is very captivating, and I hope you would make a sequel or a new story (if you want to ofc). fr tho I just surfed around to find some ridiculous smut but ended up finding your amazing game instead. Thank you. :)
Glad you like it. I still have a lot of work left to do on this one so we'll see where things are then. One more story-based update then I'm gonna start polishing the beginning--which will hopefully seem new and be a better experience than this draft version is. That gives me time to plan future projects too
i had to make an account to say i love your story i have never seen a game like this before and i started just a few weeks ago. i have seen every update this story has and its made me laugh, almost cry, and feel so much happiness. im sad to think that this story is about to end i have never even read a full book in my life but this story has kept me on the edge of my seat. i pray that you manage to keep this story going maybe like a season 2 of there next semester. im pretty sure everyone who has followed the story so far would agree to another 20 updates or ever 100 as this is beyond the best story i have read please keep an open mind before closing the story for good
I always appreciate when people make an account just to make a comment on the project. I promise to keep an open mind. If there's a story to tell, it will always be considered, for this project or any other
heh, no way. This is my first anything. Never written a story or done game design. I was a psych major. I’m learning as I go. That’s why it hopefully gets better as you play through it
well for your first I would have to say it's amazing work and I hope it never ends. the story between Braden and Zack is amazing I just hope you can continue to make more parts to this story. I never want it to end I had many sleepless nights reading and playing through it but since it's the first semester I think there is potential for a second semester or summer break. from the work you put into it already I know you got the potential to pull off a lot more with this
we'll see. there's a fine line between continuing the story and running it into the ground, ya know? I don't want to have one of those projects where someone says "the first two are good then it falls apart." So i'm going to be strategic about that... for all of us
This update was fantastic, I can't wait for the new update even if I know it will be the last one. Even if you said that the story will end soon, I still hope that something will happen in the universe and you will continue the story, I think there would be many more ways to continue the story. :))) 👍👍👍
i'm keeping an open mind. if there's a story to tell, we could tell it but i dont wanna run it into the ground either. But thank you for the kind words and I'm glad you liked this last one :)
Ok I understood your point of view, but this update made me very excited, so I need to wrote a possible continuation of the story😅🙈🙈
For example in the next update Braden and Zack should have their first time, but because Zack feels insecure it stops, and the relationship between Braden and Zack will become strange especially due to the fact that they will not stay together because the summer vacation has started . Zack returns home where he meets another boy (new character), with whom he will have a rather strange relationship because he is still thinking about Braden. Zack and his boyfriend will go to a concert (or somewhere else) and meet Braden, then Zack's new boyfriend understands that Zack has strong feelings for Braden and decides to go back without Zack, leaving him with Braden. Zack goes home to Braden and stays there for a while, because Braden was happy to meet Zack again. Eventually they have their first time and the story ends when the two start the next semester as a couple. (When Zack goes home to Braden he may meet his parents, who did not agree with gay people, this may be a reason why Braden did not understand why he likes Zack)
(P.S. the game is too cool and I'm very excited I'll probably get back to normal in the next few days)😁👍
No spoilers (at least not meant to be) I said in a previous comment but that was just before the end... GREAT WRITING!! Ash is the man!! IMHO I think this is worthy of all sorts of awards! I know you said there is one more update (I think) and I guess like it has been mentioned in the story (maybe not word for word) All good things must come to an end... I am going to miss these characters in the end!! Mystery, Joy, Sadness, Humor... all there! Great Job!
Well thank you. I def get enough awards; people comment and say nice things about the project all the time and it really does mean a lot. Glad you enjoyed it. It really does check a lot of boxes but i'm pretty random with stuff and the story really bounces around like that--could be a good or bad thing but life is kinda like that, ya know :) thanks for the kind words <3
I probably need a new update, because when you immerse yourself in the story, the game time runs out very quickly. Maybe it's because this game is amazing and I really like it. Great compliment to the developers and I hope to continue.
I just wanted to say how impressed I am with the whole game and before I finish with what I think is the end of version v0.20.5 your story telling appears to have grown along with the characters. Hope to see more from you both Aaryn and Blayke!!
i appreciate this. I think it's grown too. Somewhere around chapter 6 i said fuck it and started doing my own thing and i think it turned out much better than any attempt to do what the genre was already doing. Just another reason why i really wanna go back and polish the first part of the game
I’ve just finished the new update.. I don’t want to say too much for those who’ve yet to experience it. All I will say is: daaaaamn.. that last little bit got me. I think it’s my favourite update so far.
I’m sad that this will soon come to an end.. it’s just helped in so many ways. Having grown up in small town England, sexuality wasn’t always the easiest thing to deal with, so these characters hit hard!
The way you write.. the language you use to express emotions, anxieties, inner struggles, and the complexities of sexuality has a way of just cutting right through to me and I’ll miss that! I’m obviously nowhere near as eloquent as you, and to say “thank you” just seems a bit hollow.. but thank you. You honestly have no idea quite how much this story has meant to me. It’s the first visual novel I’ve experienced, and it’s easily one of my favourite novels visual or otherwise. I know I’ll be coming back to it over and over again, and I can’t wait to see what you do in the future. Honestly you’re amazing <3
i appreciate you and i can empathize with your struggle. That's one of the reasons I'm sharing this in the first place and it's one of the primary reasons that it remains free. Thank you for your kind words. I really do put a lot into this so I enjoy hearing realistic reactions to it like this. These comments give me life <3
It's up now. I'm only able to post one mirror here so i use the one with no download limits. If you have problems or it's slow, try my post here with alternatives
I'm not sure why it's doing that; I've never heard of that one before and I've had well over 100k downloads. I did just post v0.20.5 though so try that one. It's a new download link and it has an extra 2 hours of content on it too and let me know if you have problems. You can also try my Patreon post (it's a free post) here with alternate mirrors. One of those should work for you (hopefully). If not, let me know and we'll figure something out
i dont think i would get tired playing this game. i downloaded it first while i was just h at the time but while playing, it really made me enlightened and think about the choices that ive made in life. im not done playing but i know i would be playing this over and over. if i only have money i wouldve went to patreon already. i really love the game and im glad i decided to download it. thank you so much for exisiting and creating this game💜💜💜
heh. glad the game made you think. that means a lot. I've put a lot of thought into it so it's nice to see that pay off. Stay tuned, new free version comes out tomorrow
The game is absolutely fantastic, the story is full of intrigue, funny moments and sometimes embarrassing moments. This game is the best, the graphics are also very good and the characters are wonderful.
I'm waiting for the new update!
I hope you will make the game as long and interesting as possible, with new characters and romantic moments between the main characters.
You did a very very good job, I can't wait to play the new version and many many other versions after that.
So in short I wanted to say that there could not be a better game, with an extraordinary story and characters.
unfortunately, yes. The way I do the coding forces you to have to start a new game each time and download each game update in its entirity. but then you can jump to the beginning of the update right after clicking new game The only way i've figured out to get around this is to code in everything in advance and there's 2 ways that's impossible : 1) i dont plan a lot of the story in advance and just write it in real time, and 2) people tend to look through the code to try and find clues or spoilers.
no ETA on it yet. i just started working on it and it'll likely take awhile since it's the conclusion. I'm anticipating the usual, which is a few thousand hours of dev time. it'll probably be fairly long but I wanna do it right.
In terms of saves, never use old saves after an update. If you click new game, you can just follow any prompts from there and it'll start you right at the end of the previous update. If there's any relevant choices to that specific update, it'll just ask you a couple questions to check those boxes again and you're good to go. You can't use the previous save but we basically recreate one in about 5 seconds
yes. the story will continue when i post the next update but you wont be able to use your old save but i always post a way to jump you right back to the end of the last update
At first, with the first two episodes I was like "ooh boy", I didn't like Zach nor the choices the game offered (it crept me out). But I kept playing, I'm not sure why, and I'm glad I did because the story improved with every chapter. And chapter 9, "Ash", I think it's gold: it got me emotional, I cried. And I loved the characters' growth (all of them), how I could connect with them in the end, the satisfaction of resolution in some subplots, etc.
So thanks for making this story and sharing it with us!
I think the story def improves over time. I made the early mistake of trying to cater to the norm of games back in 2017 rather than do my own thing. You gradually see me move away from that model as the story progresses. I can't wait to go back and fix the beginning part. it's a mess
oh nah. i'm not being hard. it's just a fact. things have improved and i've learned a lot with never doing any of this before so i want to go back and fix the beginning part and really make it my own like the ending is
I read this comment a few days ago on my phone and wanted to respond thoughtfully but, like you, I'm still sorta at a loss for words as well. So I'll say thank you and hope that it lands with the sincerity that I intend. This was just a really humbling post. I'm glad you had a good experience with it so thanks. I wish good health and safety to you as well <3
it's not a "sequel". It's the same base game here but adds the first half of chapter 10. So kinda like another episode of the current game that picks up right where the last one left off. But yes, that should be on the November 13 and it is free but we're still accepting donations but there's no obligation
heh, aww. thanks a lot. I haven't worked on any translations yet because there's a lot of work to be done to the beginning part and i dont want to waste the time of translators but hopefully that will be something we can do in the future
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its an amazing game, period!
thank you. I'm glad you're enjoying it :)
I have played this game like 5 times now and no other visual novel has touched my soul the way you have, still go through the emotional rollercoaster every time. I can not wait for the final chapter to come out. Any idea on a time frame for that?
Thanks my friend you have touched my sou in more ways the one.
It's a powerful thing to hear that this "touched your soul." Thank you. It means a lot.
I don't have a time frame. To put it short, with each update I try and learn or try something new. I ran into a few hiccups in that process again but I've adjusted. Even bought a new rig to pump out stuff quicker. This is the end tho so I'm taking it slow. I'm def not a fast writer and I know that sucks for the closure for all of us. It's still gonna be awhile though
that is fine my friend take your time, still can’t wait!!
I wish I knew how to put into words how this made me feel. So many emotions went through me when reading this.
Trying to avoid any spoiler type lines but man when everything played out and the line from Zack, "...More than anything." during a certain scene.. that still resonates in my head. That was such a little thing but it's those kinds of things that hit home to me.
You've done such an amazing job with this project and I loved every second of it.
Agree ☺️ that phrase hit you in a whole different level. ♥️💙
Am super excited for the next update
thank you. I appreciate this. There's a few lines in the game that still echo to me, too and I wrote the damn thing. I think by the end, we'll all have more. One last rollercoaster to ride
Hi, aaryn. i am dying to know when will be next update. I wish you well. love lots.
Gosh i wanna hug you right now really. Playing the entire game for the third time , still the same bursts of emotions .
Okay, am gonna cry again. Love youuu guys a lot.
hello aaryn. Pls extend my heartfelt thanks to your co writer blayke. you both created a masterpiece. i mean, .. I am 28 year old gay asian dude and the story of Zach and Braden really hits me hard. Like real sh*t and stuff.
I am crying at some point, then so much inloved and then another second jerking off. God! You guys are real artist. how can you play with so many emotions at the same time?
I honestly love you and to all of your team who created this masterpiece . Please keep me posted if when will be the next update
i still cant believe that the game already ended. I want more, i wish for more ,i crave for more.
I really want to suppport you guys like donate and stuff but my situation in my country is pretty rough too. I am sending my prayers that you continue this art . Pleaseeee. I beg you to continue the game and the story.
Love lots,
Btw, am still crying
Noy, first off...sorry about all the tears. But also kinda not sorry because it sounds like you're enjoying the ride. :P I appreciate your enthusiasm and part of me is a bit jealous that you've gone through the game probably more times than I actually have. I'll also never get over the fact that this project has gone global. It's incredibly powerful to think that I can emotionally touch someone on the other side of the world, who grew up differently than me, and still have shared emotional reactions to these characters. That means a lot to me.
In terms of financial support, please don't worry about it. I've been more than blessed through this project and people have been generous. I release it for free because tons of people aren't in a position to contribute. I want people to enjoy the story and if it really speaks to them, I don't want them to feel guilty for having to steal it. Please, be safe and take care of yourself and those you care about. The game will be free regardless and your prayers matter a lot more than money ever will. Thank you <3
thanks aaryn. Am sorry if i'm so emotional about it. it's just that, it is my first time to encounter such masterpiece that reflects my own experiences in life. Soo relatable.
I Cant thank you and your team enough. i love you guys always. ♥️😘 Love lots from the philippines.
I don’t even know how to start this comment after playing Str8!? I rarely ever comment on things but my heart, and my head were pulled in so many directions that I honestly don’t think I could explain it without writing a VN myself. and, just to clarify... I. Loved. Every. Second. Of it.
Because, I just stumbled across this. Thinking not much of it, I read it was a slow burn story and thought "mm okay seems interesting, mite have a look" I love story driven content and, oh man.. am I glad I did.. I got hooked, with the line, the sinker, the boat and an anker dropped on my head while being glued to my computer, all while my heart... just.. my heart...
Aaryn and Blayke, Thanks. Many people have already said the things I think and feel before me, and I agree with them completely. Wonderful storytelling, great characters, visuals, character development. It is emotional, suspenseful, heartbreaking, exciting, joyful, meaningful.. an awesome rollercoaster, and the progress from you both over the course of VN/game is awesome as well, actually kinda adds to the story.
Like I said, I could write a VN to explain it all but I’ll try and keep it short..ish..? I related to it… a lot, honestly, a lot more than I ever thought, on a few levels. I fell in love with the characters, the story & I found myself emotionally attached to Zack and Braden, wanting to find out more. Worrying about them, hoping, wishing, laughing, shedding a tear and rooting for them just wanting to click the next page, over and over, along with my anxiety rising and falling with Zacks, sometimes pausing to contemplate life, reminiscing on my own, even commenting out loud or making the same facial expressions as Zack and Braden haha. I could compliment yous’ all day because I genuinely, really, enjoyed this a lot and have but only, one complaint.. (not really) my heart…
Your nailing the emotional aspect. The story & the wisdom. The truthful side of life & it definitely makes the scenes more powerful with my heart pulled from one to the next. I can’t say I struggled to much with my own but I relate so much with Zack, overthinking and some of the struggles & situations, although Straight!? hit more because I had friend, very, very similar to Braden, both friendship, personality, looks and situation but unlike Zack, I never did over come my anxiety. In tern, I lost a best friend, without being my true self or taking the risk. I enjoyed it and enjoyed sharing Zack and Bradons passion & growth, along with yours as you write/develop it. I’m defiantly excited/scared for the last chapter.
and I really hope, that not everything comes to and end, just yet, Semester 2? Eventually, haha.
On a lighter note, I wish I could help make this into something like LIS2 because that complexity of, choices & visual story telling would be awesome! I’d even love to see a follow up story from, say Braden or Ash's perspective because one; id love to see how you write their internal dialog and two; could be a good way later on to delve into the others internal struggles. I’m excited to see the finished story and visuals once you go back over it but even as it is now, I love it.
heya. thanks for the support and I'm glad the game spoke to you. I'm with you on the anxiety parts. I know that some people have been frustrated by Zack's overthinking or his reluctance and doubt. But, to me, that's real life and it's something that a huge number of people have dealt with and I wanted to depict that in a frustrating but innocent way. I also doubt fault you for needing your own VN to react to this one--cause this story is friggen LOOOOOONG. I still got some ideas left on it. I also respect your emotional reactions, including bringing up the best friend from the past. I truly hope you find peace with that. Sometimes those kinds of lessons are the hardest to learn. they have been for me anyway <3
Just read the most recent update. You've done it again. It had me emotional one moment, turned on the next, filled with such joy and later wanting to cry. Such an amazing story.....I'm only mad that I have to wait for more but I guess that's the thing with great story telling. If I was watching this as a TV series I know I would hit even harder. To hear the emotion in their voice would just make you block out the world due to complete immersion. Hell, I already do that to a degree just from reading it. This story really connects with me in so many ways as I listen to the main character's thoughts. To read something that makes you feel so many emotions at once and it flows well. GRADE A material. Keep up the good work.
I sometimes think of it as a tv series and it sorta helps me keep things more episodic. Although seeing it live action would be pretty cool with the right people (although I'd be picky af I'm sure). Thank you. I'm glad to have ya on this crazy rollercoaster :)
I wouldn't blame you for being picky because the actors would truly have to bring those characters to life. Especially Ash. LMAO. Legit my fav other than Braden of course.
Ash quickly became a fan favorite in only one update and each subsequent update just seemed to cement that. He's nuts but super fun
Sometimes I think we all need a friend like him so we can remember to just enjoy life without overthinking things. I would also say we all need a friend like Mikhail so that we can simply learn to accept ourselves. We all are unique and can't keep expecting to fit any particular criteria.
hello aaryn. Pls extend my heartfelt thanks to your co writer blake. you both created a masterpiece. i mean, .. I am 28 year old gay asian dude and the story of Zach and Braden really hits me hard. Like real sh*t and stuff.
I am crying at some point, then so much inloved and then another second jerking off. God! You guys are real artist. how can you play with so many emotions at the same time?
I honestly love you and to all of your team who created this masterpiece . Please keep me posted if when will be the next update
i still cant believe that the game already ended. I want more, i wish for more ,i crave for more.
I really want to suppport you guys like donate and stuff but my situation in my country is pretty rough too. I am sending my prayers that you continue this art . Pleaseeee. I beg you to continue the game and the story.
Love lots,
Happy New year
Happy New year to you too :)
Thank you for an amazing story. I came across this by pure chance on another site, read by someone truly amazing at story telling. The last 2 weeks I've watched about 50%. The worst part is it's the last part. So emotional, and close to home as it seems with many. It's now really different stating at the story from episode 1. Only hearing what happened in the past through the later eps, it's almost unbelievable that these 2 will get together. Mind I've just started.
Q. I saw the game is downloadable on Android. I'm guessing it works well on a phone. If so how big is the game. I don't have a computer of my own so I'd love insight.
I'd love this whole raw draft, even if the story is complete and better.
I don't think it could get better. The story line is so powerful. Tears a plenty here.
Keep up the great work. I've already talked to friends about it.
Heh, there is a lot of emotions in this. Hell, there's a lot of emotions that go into writing it so I'm glad they resonate on the readers' end as well. So the Android port is very new but I haven't actually played it. I switched over to an iPhone about a year ago but I've installed Blue Stacks and I'm gonna try and mess around with it at some point to see if I can get more information about it. However, people say that it works and we've had several people use that format to play. Great to hide in the bathroom for 15 hours and play through the whole thing praying your legs don't go to sleep on the toilet. I will say the beginning of the game is very rough and it's taken me some time to get into this writing thing so I'm gonna go back and fix that part as well as update the graphics. This is just the rough draft so it will definitely get better.
Schöne Feiertage euch allen
Happy holidays to you as well. I hope all is well and stay safe :)
I wish I had the words. What you've made is truly amazing. I've never connected with any literature as much as I have with this. I'm honestly lost for words. What you've made is so real. And what you say is so true. It's hard to find the words to describe one's feeling and emotions and experiences, but everything I've felt before you've managed to find the words for. I genuinely care for these characters (and I'm actually in love with Branden) and you've given them such truth and depth. But even more than that, your philosophical insights, your way of exploring these deep thoughts and drives and emotions and putting them into words, just rings so true. Your words make me feel like I feel when these things happen for real. It's genuinely magical. Thank you. (I hadn't donated before, but you totally deserve it now.)
Thank you. You're very kind and I appreciate the support. I'm glad it's resonated with so many people and I continue to be humbled by the people who are willing to see this project for what it really is rather than look at it as just some porn game. I'm just happy that it means so much to people. Thank you back :)
This VN is absolutely amazing and I'm totally hooked!
I love the the dialogue and the graphics (particularly the detailed attention given to body hair). Everything just makes the characters so lovable and relatable. And Braden ... is it crazy to love a fictional character?
The story transports me to a world of what could have been for me, and sadly reminds me of what i have missed out. I am really shipping Zack and Braden but I've got a sinking feeling they'll be torn apart in the future. Nothing lasts forever ....
Can't wait for the next update, but dreading it at the same time!
Amazing work Aaryn & Blake - when your audience starts having feelings for the characters (I know I do!), you know you're story/game is truly next level.
thank you. i really appreciate this. I'm honored you've grown to love them and that it's had the ability to tug on some of those heartstrings, I know they've driven me crazy over the past few years. We'll have to see how the ending goes. Seems you're picking up on some ominous tones there
Having followed the development of this VN for almost two years and thoroughly enjoying the story, I am sorry that I haven't provided any kind of feedback until now. Where should I begin? Would mere words suffice to commend this masterpiece? Zack and Braden are not only very relatable but they have helped me put things in perspective in ways I cannot describe here. Aaryn, Blayke, thank you very much for giving it to us "straight" ;) I am not in the habit of being hyperbolic and unctuous and so, I am telling you this with utmost sincerity when I say that Straight!? as a mainstream paperback has the potential to become a greater classic than Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda. My overeager, imaginative mind is already inventing dollops of delicious drama involving the (possibly homophobic?) parentals and life after college. I am looking forward to the last chapter and all your future endeavours. More power to you!
Thank you for your kind words. I appreciate the long term support and following--no worries on waiting to post or react to things. I'm glad that it meant something to you and that it resonated with you over the past few years. I still admit to being worried initially that people would think the game too "preachy" but I'm glad people have accepted Zack's own journey on things and I'm always honored when people say that they took something away from that. Idk if it'll be a classic or not but it doesn't have to be at the top of the mainstream lists to mean something to us. I know the journey has meant something to me. Thank you for the support and I hope I do the ending justice :)
Aaryn.reese I know you said you still got a lot of work ahead and I appreciate the amount of effort put into this just a quick question do you have any kind of time frame for the next chapter as much as I know I don't want it to end I also really want to see the next chapter lol even just a rough time frame if you can that is I understand if not seeing as you got all this work ahead
no clue. Each chapter so far as pretty much outdone the previous one in terms of scope. I keep trying new things since this is the first draft and I'm sorta using it to practice. Normal updates usually take around 1000 hours for me to do. The last one took much longer. Right now i've ran into some rendering problems and had to switch up some stuff but that pushed me back. It usually ranges from a few to several months tho. I am working full time on the game now though so i can usually get around 12 hours a day into it so that's helping from the old schedule
alright nice one thanks for letting me know I just can't get enough of my boy Braden lol I'm going to start it all over again from the start probly will be my 5th time lol keep up the good work m8
Spoiler Warning...........................................................
I just wanna ask about the chapter 9. I see that choosing a pervy and respect route does have a different outcomes. So i want to know in the respect route if Braden didn't tell yet the truth about Ernie or Ernie is a really a maintenance guy in that route? If so, why the highschool photo of Braden in his singlet and the one Zack found is still the same? Im just confused nevertheless I hope u add summer chapter where in they experience LDR and both go to construction like in the loading screen:)
heya. Real quick, you may wanna amend your OP with a spoiler warning because a lot of people read through these comments before downloading. To answer your question, I view the routes as separate--kinda like an alternate universe. If you look closely, you'll see the picture isn't the same. Braden has the singlet on in one pic and he has the beach tank on in the other route
Im sorry about the spoiler, ok that's a nice explanation. Imma play it again at the start and will check the photo. Anyways thanks for the reply and for creating this beautiful game.
no problem at all. no worries on the spoiler either. i gotta watch myself when i talk about stuff. I'm just more aware of it now. I really appreciate the comment and hope you enjoy things :)
The more I play this game the more I get it the more it speaks to my early days as a teen. I my self am gay have known since I was young but still don't have the strength to let people know the real me thinking how they will think or act around me. the only people who know are some of my old friends I used to mess around with there was one friend who we were really close like Braden and Zack we practically lived together either in his house or mine we were inseparable. eventually things changed and we started having fun together but I practically fell in love with this friend over time. we did this for a few years but even tho he loved doing stuff with me he never once looked at another boy like the way he did me so I get the part about Braden cause my friend was the same he always dated girls always attracted to girls but I was the exception. it was nice to know that feeling being there only one and this story makes me think back to those days that's why I love it so much. sadly like the story suggests nothing lasts forever and I'm not looking forward to this story ending. I am thankful to you for making a story like this as it has awakened some long lost memories of my own that sadly fade away after some years your story speaks to me so much and I never really noticed why I loved it so much thank you
I appreciate you sharing this publicly. There's one guy over on youtube that just trolls the game and gets his community all worked up. They seem to hate Braden for this very reason because they think it doesn't exist in real life. It's always interesting to see a large group of gays persecuting someone else for their sexuality so I can't take them seriously at all. However, you're right... Braden's exist and I think it's more common than we think. But I wanted to validate that and show some different forms of sexuality and how they play out rather than many of the stereotypes we've seen in the media. Plus, there's just a lot of feelings for both of them to work through in this sense. I'm glad it hit you on a personal level <3
forget all the haters that's there opinion everyone is entitled to there own but I know from experience that Braden's sexual situation is a real thing. me and my friend got really close and had the same situation I'm 100% gay but he was definitely straight but had only one exception and I was lucky that it was me and I know for a fact he could get any guy he wanted if he wanted them but he didn't he was all for the female gender except when it came to me and I'm not a feminine acting person I was like him everyone thought I was straight even he did until one night when we first had some fun it was something I never thought could ever even happen always secretly hoped but never even imagined it possible with him but I known him for so long he told me everything and anyone he was ever with but for us tho it was like a unspoken pleasure we would have fun almost every night after the first time we experienced each other like that but none of us would speak of it after it and it would continue for years. your story is the best thing I have ever had the pleasure of reading I spent hours each day never wanting to stop reading and waking up looking forward to catching up on the story and even tho I know it will end I look forward to more future projects I will definitely be looking out for your work it's just amazing
sorry getting carried away here lol feel like I'm trying to tell my own story but I'll leave that job to the professional 👍
Aaryn.reese I loved the update and I love your work I really hope we get to see zack and Braden become a couple also will zack meet Branden’s family and if he does will he meet them as Braden,s boyfriend and please tell me there will by 2 are 3 more chapters because I don’t want it to end. Ps I loved the dirty😈 scenes in the next captors will they go further
thank you for the kind words. I think a lot of us are nervous about the ending of this. There's a lot of strong scenes left to play out that will probably jerk this story all over the place up until the very end. Hopefully, it's one last ride that's worth it :)
Can anyone tell me how to get the different outcomes I have played this 2 times already got 2 different outcomes so far I think but when I look at the pics in the folder I see a lot of pic sets of things that never happened when I played like Zack spy's on Braden in toilet stall, and Zack walks in on Braden in his locker room there is a lot here that I never got to happen what's steps to take to get these actions I will play this game over and over just to see the different outcomes lol
If you're talking about the scenes I think you are, it's probably the difference between the pervy and respect routes. Have you done both of those routes?
Ok that's what it is I just never got Braden wrestle Zack with towel then it drops not sure how I missing that one I got the rest to work tho
the most common missed part of the game (and honestly one of my favorite early hints into Braden's personality) is Braden's bully story when you get a choice on whether to grab Braden's shoulders at the urinal to scare him or not. Your choice there may or may not active a side story you can check out in the cafeteria later. Lot of people miss that one so it's kinda turned into a hidden gem at this point
well I intend on playing it over again till I see every part I love the whole story I love how much detail you went into for everything with Braden and Zack
Yeah I have been trying to unlock that part so far I'm doing the Percy route again didn't activate it I'm guessing maybe the respect route will do it
I really don't know what to write here. I have no words. The story captivated me and I fell in love with the characters. Couldn't put it down once I started. Thank you for sharing such an incredible game with us! I really can't wait for more. <3
heh, well I think as long as this game is that I've talked long enough for the both of us :p
but seriously, thank you. I really appreciate this. I'm working on the last chapter now so stay tuned <3
I'm so excited! Really. The game caught me by surprise and is just gah!! so amazing. Thank you for responding and I will keep my eyes out. :3
I love the game the way it is. It is a romantic, yet not cringy story with a perfect touch of kinkiness. The characters' personality has been very well-developed, and it makes the whole story feel very authentic and relatable. I am glad it isn't just porn. I wish it never finished. You really did a great job.
My only complaint about the latest update is how sometimes it freezes in my phone and I have to restart.
glad you're enjoying it. it's a weird mix i think with the story and adult content but hopefully you can see that the adult content has it's purpose and place in the story and isn't just there to be porny. Sorry you're having trouble with the phone version. I haven't gotten a chance to test it cause I dont have access to android. If you're getting any specific errors or anything tho, i may be able to help with that
The adult content definitely has its purpose and the story is great, I love the two main characters and their insecurities. It's a delightful middle point between the "family-friendly love stories" where nothing steamy ever happens and some erotic fan fictions with a lot of sex but weak stories. The visual novel concept is great concept in my opinion, even more when we can choose different options that change the story. I wish there were more games like this. So I just want to thank you again for your work.
The game works fine most of the time in my phone, but sometimes the screen goes black. There's no error code anywhere, I just see a completely black screen. This has happened to me about five or six times, it was either when I turned off the screen for just a minute (like a small toilet break), or I checked a notification from another app. Once the screen goes black there's no way back, I didn't see any way to "unfreeze it" and the game didn't restart in its own either. Clicking the game from the menu didn't have any effect, so I had to close the game manually (force closed) and I lost my unsaved progress. Luckily, the auto-saving feature works, so I didn't lose too much progress.
My phone is a Poco X3 Pro with Android 11, Snapdragon 860, 6GB RAM DDR4 and 128GB UFS 2.1. It isn't a big deal anyway.
Hmm... i'm new to posting the android port. I have a guy that does it for me but one of the issues with android is they're all so different so it could be a snag with your phone type or something. I haven't heard anyone on the discord mention it going dark and they're pretty good about letting me know things that are messed up. It also could be bugging out with the screen shut off. I actually dont have a way to test android yet. I'm gonna work on getting an emulator on my desktop and see if i can test it that way but I usually just depend on the community to let me know if things are running smoothly. I do the same thing with the MAC port. Sorry about it acting up though. that's annoying to have to keep restarting it though. i can ask around and see if anyone else has mentioned it
Hey, this game was one of the first that I have played on this website. I am really invested in your story. And the fact that I'd be in college in very few months as a bi guy (almost gay if you don't count specific attractive women lmao) makes me relate to Zack so much. Actually, I relate to every protag in the game. The story is very captivating, and I hope you would make a sequel or a new story (if you want to ofc). fr tho I just surfed around to find some ridiculous smut but ended up finding your amazing game instead. Thank you. :)
Glad you like it. I still have a lot of work left to do on this one so we'll see where things are then. One more story-based update then I'm gonna start polishing the beginning--which will hopefully seem new and be a better experience than this draft version is. That gives me time to plan future projects too
i had to make an account to say i love your story i have never seen a game like this before and i started just a few weeks ago. i have seen every update this story has and its made me laugh, almost cry, and feel so much happiness. im sad to think that this story is about to end i have never even read a full book in my life but this story has kept me on the edge of my seat. i pray that you manage to keep this story going maybe like a season 2 of there next semester. im pretty sure everyone who has followed the story so far would agree to another 20 updates or ever 100 as this is beyond the best story i have read please keep an open mind before closing the story for good
I always appreciate when people make an account just to make a comment on the project. I promise to keep an open mind. If there's a story to tell, it will always be considered, for this project or any other
is this your first story ? I would love to see more of your work if there is any
heh, no way. This is my first anything. Never written a story or done game design. I was a psych major. I’m learning as I go. That’s why it hopefully gets better as you play through it
well for your first I would have to say it's amazing work and I hope it never ends. the story between Braden and Zack is amazing I just hope you can continue to make more parts to this story. I never want it to end I had many sleepless nights reading and playing through it but since it's the first semester I think there is potential for a second semester or summer break. from the work you put into it already I know you got the potential to pull off a lot more with this
we'll see. there's a fine line between continuing the story and running it into the ground, ya know? I don't want to have one of those projects where someone says "the first two are good then it falls apart." So i'm going to be strategic about that... for all of us
This update was fantastic, I can't wait for the new update even if I know it will be the last one. Even if you said that the story will end soon, I still hope that something will happen in the universe and you will continue the story, I think there would be many more ways to continue the story. :))) 👍👍👍
i'm keeping an open mind. if there's a story to tell, we could tell it but i dont wanna run it into the ground either. But thank you for the kind words and I'm glad you liked this last one :)
Ok I understood your point of view, but this update made me very excited, so I need to wrote a possible continuation of the story😅🙈🙈
For example in the next update Braden and Zack should have their first time, but because Zack feels insecure it stops, and the relationship between Braden and Zack will become strange especially due to the fact that they will not stay together because the summer vacation has started . Zack returns home where he meets another boy (new character), with whom he will have a rather strange relationship because he is still thinking about Braden. Zack and his boyfriend will go to a concert (or somewhere else) and meet Braden, then Zack's new boyfriend understands that Zack has strong feelings for Braden and decides to go back without Zack, leaving him with Braden. Zack goes home to Braden and stays there for a while, because Braden was happy to meet Zack again. Eventually they have their first time and the story ends when the two start the next semester as a couple. (When Zack goes home to Braden he may meet his parents, who did not agree with gay people, this may be a reason why Braden did not understand why he likes Zack)
(P.S. the game is too cool and I'm very excited I'll probably get back to normal in the next few days)😁👍
haha, sounds like a ride. We'll see. There's still a lot that needs to happen before the credits roll. I'm still staying open tho
omg im so crying right now not going to spoil it by saying but damn.. that hit me hard. and now i cant wait for the next up date lol...... great work
heh, thanks. Glad people are still enjoying it after 20 updates now :)
No spoilers (at least not meant to be) I said in a previous comment but that was just before the end... GREAT WRITING!! Ash is the man!! IMHO I think this is worthy of all sorts of awards! I know you said there is one more update (I think) and I guess like it has been mentioned in the story (maybe not word for word) All good things must come to an end... I am going to miss these characters in the end!! Mystery, Joy, Sadness, Humor... all there! Great Job!
Well thank you. I def get enough awards; people comment and say nice things about the project all the time and it really does mean a lot. Glad you enjoyed it. It really does check a lot of boxes but i'm pretty random with stuff and the story really bounces around like that--could be a good or bad thing but life is kinda like that, ya know :) thanks for the kind words <3
I probably need a new update, because when you immerse yourself in the story, the game time runs out very quickly. Maybe it's because this game is amazing and I really like it. Great compliment to the developers and I hope to continue.
Glad you enjoyed it :)
I just wanted to say how impressed I am with the whole game and before I finish with what I think is the end of version v0.20.5 your story telling appears to have grown along with the characters. Hope to see more from you both Aaryn and Blayke!!
i appreciate this. I think it's grown too. Somewhere around chapter 6 i said fuck it and started doing my own thing and i think it turned out much better than any attempt to do what the genre was already doing. Just another reason why i really wanna go back and polish the first part of the game
I’ve just finished the new update.. I don’t want to say too much for those who’ve yet to experience it. All I will say is: daaaaamn.. that last little bit got me. I think it’s my favourite update so far.
I’m sad that this will soon come to an end.. it’s just helped in so many ways. Having grown up in small town England, sexuality wasn’t always the easiest thing to deal with, so these characters hit hard!
The way you write.. the language you use to express emotions, anxieties, inner struggles, and the complexities of sexuality has a way of just cutting right through to me and I’ll miss that! I’m obviously nowhere near as eloquent as you, and to say “thank you” just seems a bit hollow.. but thank you. You honestly have no idea quite how much this story has meant to me. It’s the first visual novel I’ve experienced, and it’s easily one of my favourite novels visual or otherwise. I know I’ll be coming back to it over and over again, and I can’t wait to see what you do in the future. Honestly you’re amazing <3
i appreciate you and i can empathize with your struggle. That's one of the reasons I'm sharing this in the first place and it's one of the primary reasons that it remains free. Thank you for your kind words. I really do put a lot into this so I enjoy hearing realistic reactions to it like this. These comments give me life <3
Ich freu mich schon endlos auf das Update.
It's posted. Hope you enjoy :)
Es ist mega klasse
Ich hab gelacht, geweint und fand es traumhaft schön
well, I've laughed and cried writing it so we shared that journey together. Thank you <3
Is the next update available yet?
It's up now. I'm only able to post one mirror here so i use the one with no download limits. If you have problems or it's slow, try my post here with alternatives
Hii I'm trying to download it on my laptop but it always say "Network Error". Can someone help me :((
when its near the end of the download*
I'm not sure why it's doing that; I've never heard of that one before and I've had well over 100k downloads. I did just post v0.20.5 though so try that one. It's a new download link and it has an extra 2 hours of content on it too and let me know if you have problems. You can also try my Patreon post (it's a free post) here with alternate mirrors. One of those should work for you (hopefully). If not, let me know and we'll figure something out
I'm already counting the hours for the new version🔥🥳
tomorrow at 9am Eastern time
i dont think i would get tired playing this game. i downloaded it first while i was just h at the time but while playing, it really made me enlightened and think about the choices that ive made in life. im not done playing but i know i would be playing this over and over. if i only have money i wouldve went to patreon already. i really love the game and im glad i decided to download it. thank you so much for exisiting and creating this game💜💜💜
heh. glad the game made you think. that means a lot. I've put a lot of thought into it so it's nice to see that pay off. Stay tuned, new free version comes out tomorrow
I just finished the game yesterday ...
The game is absolutely fantastic, the story is full of intrigue, funny moments and sometimes embarrassing moments. This game is the best, the graphics are also very good and the characters are wonderful.
I'm waiting for the new update!
I hope you will make the game as long and interesting as possible, with new characters and romantic moments between the main characters.
You did a very very good job, I can't wait to play the new version and many many other versions after that.
So in short I wanted to say that there could not be a better game, with an extraordinary story and characters.
haha. new update tomorrow when I get a chance to post it. There's plenty more funny and embarrassing moments :p
Just finished it. I cannot wait for more. Would i have to redownload it when the next one comes out?
unfortunately, yes. The way I do the coding forces you to have to start a new game each time and download each game update in its entirity. but then you can jump to the beginning of the update right after clicking new game The only way i've figured out to get around this is to code in everything in advance and there's 2 ways that's impossible : 1) i dont plan a lot of the story in advance and just write it in real time, and 2) people tend to look through the code to try and find clues or spoilers.
where would I be able to get my saves. or will it find it. also when do you suppose the new update will come out
no ETA on it yet. i just started working on it and it'll likely take awhile since it's the conclusion. I'm anticipating the usual, which is a few thousand hours of dev time. it'll probably be fairly long but I wanna do it right.
In terms of saves, never use old saves after an update. If you click new game, you can just follow any prompts from there and it'll start you right at the end of the previous update. If there's any relevant choices to that specific update, it'll just ask you a couple questions to check those boxes again and you're good to go. You can't use the previous save but we basically recreate one in about 5 seconds
So I can continue my progress?
yes. the story will continue when i post the next update but you wont be able to use your old save but i always post a way to jump you right back to the end of the last update
honestly I'm not one to get "excited" over cartoons but the way the story is laid out got me a few times. can't wait for more.
Glad it was an exception :)
This game is not what I expected (luckily)
At first, with the first two episodes I was like "ooh boy", I didn't like Zach nor the choices the game offered (it crept me out). But I kept playing, I'm not sure why, and I'm glad I did because the story improved with every chapter. And chapter 9, "Ash", I think it's gold: it got me emotional, I cried. And I loved the characters' growth (all of them), how I could connect with them in the end, the satisfaction of resolution in some subplots, etc.
So thanks for making this story and sharing it with us!
I think the story def improves over time. I made the early mistake of trying to cater to the norm of games back in 2017 rather than do my own thing. You gradually see me move away from that model as the story progresses. I can't wait to go back and fix the beginning part. it's a mess
Don't be hard on yourself, you are doing a great job !
oh nah. i'm not being hard. it's just a fact. things have improved and i've learned a lot with never doing any of this before so i want to go back and fix the beginning part and really make it my own like the ending is
I read this comment a few days ago on my phone and wanted to respond thoughtfully but, like you, I'm still sorta at a loss for words as well. So I'll say thank you and hope that it lands with the sincerity that I intend. This was just a really humbling post. I'm glad you had a good experience with it so thanks. I wish good health and safety to you as well <3
Is it true that you are going to release the free sequel to the game on the 13th?
it's not a "sequel". It's the same base game here but adds the first half of chapter 10. So kinda like another episode of the current game that picks up right where the last one left off. But yes, that should be on the November 13 and it is free but we're still accepting donations but there's no obligation
this game is so perfect and it's still translated into brazilian portuguese, if i had conditions i would donate more than 1000$
heh, aww. thanks a lot. I haven't worked on any translations yet because there's a lot of work to be done to the beginning part and i dont want to waste the time of translators but hopefully that will be something we can do in the future
You really created a great game was good how you conveyed the feeling and insurcurities most people have