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okay I loved this game no joke I actually saw a guy play the parts of this game on pornhub…..I know shut up…… anyhow he was taking forever drawing it out and I just couldn’t resist to find out what would happen sooo I just downloaded the game myself and played all night cause I was that wrapped up into it anyhow I can’t wait till the next update do you know when it will be cause I can’t wait even though you said it will be the last chapter I just can’t wait it’s soooo good anyhow that’s it keep up the awesome amazing work!!!! Ahhhhh I can’t wait hopefully you say like in less than a week ha ha ha 

haha. it'll def be more than a week. i ran into some problems early on and have made some life adjustments to compensate so i'm back on track again. I'm working 7 days a week on it right now to catch up. I'm planning on putting out a devlog on the patreon page as an update but it's getting closer. Just a ton of pics to do for the next one and a little more setup. I'm glad you liked it though, means a lot to me <3


I was just horny but this game got deep wtf


oh, it gets pretty deep :)

just out of curiosity will we see zack and Braden do the dirty and will they ever become a couple because they are so cute I totally ship them

I think that's something that we'll all have to wait on and see. there's so many things that could go right or wrong with how they're set up. no spoilers tho :p

omg I love this, it's the best visual novel I've ever played! It's awesome! When is the next update coming? And I saw one comment of you saying the next episode is the last one, but I wish it would be longer, I like it a lot, hoping there'll be more content than that, no pressure though

heh, it's already like 45, 000 lines of code. 95% of that is dialogue so it's long already. But yeah, chapter 10 is planned to be the last one for now

Ohh That sooo Bums me out. I can see so much to happen in this story. My imagination goes crazy thinking about how summer brake goes & next school year. How Ashley fairs. I really feel bad for him. Such a jerk & yet a Hero. I  do hope, that after you get 10 done, you come back to this eventually. This is a must story for all. I am Sooooo Looking forward to 10 though. Albeit Bittersweet now......:(

hey I can’t wait for your next update I just finished the game i almost cryed at because of Ash did and how many more chapters do you think there will be I don’t want this game to end!!!

heh. glad you liked the ending oft he latest one. There's one more chapter to go so 10 total :)

just out of curiosity will we see zack and Braden do the dirty and will they ever become a couple because they are so cute I totally ship them

I do what you said and it happened the same. I have the carpet of the game but when I opened there is only the records of all the game but I can opened it normal. If not there is  a way to download it on the mobile??

Sorry for being so heavy

what error are you getting? Or what is doing or not doing? I don’t have an official Android port yet

When I download the game on my computer I have to opened with WinRar and it's not free. There's another way to opened that is free??

I use 7zip instead of winrar and it's  free. 

Also Windows has a built in software that will extract files too. In your downloads folder, if you left click on the file in the explorer window, you should see an "extract" highlighted up in the top of that window. If you click just under that you'll see it says "compressed folder tools". If you click that, you'll see "extract all" pop up. 


This was the best visual novel i have ever played, can't wait for the next chapter!! Keep up the good work!!

Thanks a lot. I really appreciate that <3


the best and REALEST vn ive ever played  i need this full thing pronto lmao (but no pressure on the devs lol take your time )


Someone knows how to download straight?! in Spain?? Please help me

the location shouldn't matter. what are you stuck on? Some people had problems starting the game because they didn't realize the folder is zipped. Not sure if that's where your problem is or not

(1 edit)

All I can say is I wish so much I could have played this when I was a closeted youngster. It really is that impactful. I hope it will help many young people who haven't come out yet or are still discovering themselves in the often painful but also beautiful process of discovering who they are. Thank you for this game.

Thanks a lot. I'm glad that you appreciate the perspective here and that means a lot. That really was the angle that I was going for <3


Jesus Christ...That's about all I can say after playing through this game in a day and a half.  I feel like for any young person out there, this can serve as a reference that you are perfect the way you are and to not judge things before you experience them. It also serves as a guide to love yourself the way you are and to be forgiving with yourself when things don't go your way. This really captures a lot of the struggles of real life, coming to terms with your insecurities, trying to find out who you are, and deal with the social anxieties we all have. This VN single handedly made me create an account on here just to give you the props you deserve.  This is right up there with Being A DIK for story telling and I am so glad to have come across both of them. As a bisexual man this speaks a lot to me and I felt myself sympathizing a lot with Zack and understanding a lot of his struggles. Every chapter I kept getting more invested and was dreading the time that I would hit the point of "To Be Continued"...I just couldn't stop playing because I was encapsulated by the story more and more.  I am glad that things are finally starting to pick up and am dreading the wait to continue the story. This is by far the most tame Adult VN I have come across, but it's by far one of the best ones out there. I can tell you put a major emphasis on story telling and I can't tell you how much that's appreciated. Keep up the amazing work

First off, I'm sorry about the slow response here. I got behind and I'm sorta working backwards on replies. I really appreciate everything that you've said: your reactions, the fact that you made an account on here just to comment; things like this are amazing.  I do want to specifically note that the game still checks boxes for the bi crew out there. Specifically with these types of games, you dont see that role used very often. While I don't want to overtly put labels into this game (mostly because people get so fucking extra about them that I was afraid they'd focus more on the label than the actual person behind them). I'm glad that you can relate here and it means a lot that you feel it's still applicable to the bi crew out there so thanks for letting me know that :)

(1 edit) (+1)

I am not sure how long this comment of mine will be, but I really need to send this message to you.

I have always been a huge fan of deep and REAL stories in any kind of media. Things that feel fleshed out and truly meaningful always get me in all the right ways. And this game of yours did exactly that.

I will admit that I was simply perusing through several games for simple, mindless entertainment or something to itch my gay brain. I am simply speechless when it comes to this game. 

I had no idea what to expect, but the premise hooked me pretty easily. From the moment I started playing, I could already tell that this game was special. I could not stop playing and literally had to force myself to take breaks. It was just so easy to become immersed into the story and truly invest in all of the characters and their relationships with one another. I have played many games, but this is SO up there with one of the most memorable, most heart-wrenching but emotionally gratifying games I have ever played. And it's not even done!

I cannot tell you how many times I cried. Everything felt so real and so heavy, but all in good ways. 

I am probably being way too passionate about this but you should proud of yourself for creating such an amazing experience. I cannot thank you enough for the joy you have given me through this game. Not to get too into it, but I am going through a tough time, and as someone who is 20 years old, being able to live through such a beautiful experience with incredible characters has made the last week or so so worth the time I invested in this game. 

Extreme and major kudos to you. Please take all the time and care you need to work on this because whatever you are doing is above and beyond. I am eagerly, yet patiently, waiting for the next continuation piece to this wonderful story. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.'re not being too passionate. I really appreciate this. I'm very passionate in writing it. It's such a vulnerable place that I have to go to write this so it's very meaningful for people to write long comments and have emotional reactions to it. I've cried writing some of the scenes so I'm glad that was passed along to you over the course of playing. I'm just as invested as you are <3

Please tell me an update will come out soon.  I'm passionate about this game and I'm super curious to know how this story will end.  Since already grateful, P.s: I love your work.

thanks for the support. still working on it but it's being focused on more heavily now. I always end up trying to create more work for myself

Please tell me there is a way I can find out when there will be a new release!!

you can follow the patreon site here . Supporters there get the game on release. 3 weeks after release, i then post it there for free. I do post it here but it's a little further down on the priority list but it will eventually be posted here. You can also keep an eye on my twitter as I'll post something on there when the new version comes out as well as additional stuff regarding the development

(3 edits) (+1)

I beg your pardon. My English is not as good as it should be.
But I feel I have to write some thoughts down here.

I could write thousands of words about. But ... I better skip a few hundred I guess. ;-)
I discovered „straight!?” by chance. Was looking for nice 3D Artwork. Found a picture from Braden (a real cutie!), clicked on it and ended with an “Let’s play”. On Pornhub! …

I watched for a few minutes and thought: “Wow. A typical American-college-roommate-bromance-cliché-shit. Boooring! I’m to old for this kind of shit”
But at least: “Great artwork and it’s free (and Braden is really a cuitie). So give it a chance!”

So I started. And I couldn’t stop.
OK, just a minute to grab some fruits from the kitchen or going to the bathroom.

I couldn’t stop until I fall asleep on the sofa in living room, with still the fu**ing mouse in my hand. Rolled over, had a nap, rolled back and continued the story. I was kinda spellbound.
And of course: “straight!?” is a lot, but not “typical”, not “cliché” and no “shit”. Not even a really “bromance”. It is … unique! And great artwork (did I mention Bradon is a real cutie? :-D)

I remembers the time I was 19 yo.
I was a bit shy about nudity (specially when I was hard) like Braden. I overthought too much and had this “straight-Mode-Switch” like Zack. I was a bit an actor / a drama queen like Ash. I cared more about my friends as about myself, like Mikhail. I was a bit a game freak like Braden. I was a bit interested in psychology like Zack. I had two faces (one for my friends and one for others) like “Mom-fucker Max” and I was a bit a dick, like he was.
And my favourite language was – and is still - “sarcasm”, like all of them. :-D

I didn’t read the novel or played the game. I was a kinda in it. I – or better: my 19 years old me - was part of it.
All these problems and thoughts, all these “I don’t know how”s and “What is when”s and “Who or what am I?”s and “What do I really feel”s. All these skipped chances.
They were so familiar for me.

I can’t put in words what I felt during playing/reading “straight!?”
But, in the spirit of honesty, I have never – really never!! – had thought it could be possible to be laughing, being moved to tears and being horny the same time.
It is! This was an absolutely new experience for me!

“Dear 19 years old me,

please do us a favour and stop overthinking to much.
Don’t give a shit of what other people think or could think. Be honest, be open minded. Try being a bit less shy (I know it’s easier said than done, but it will be ok).
Your friends will support you, whatever you are or feel.
Dare to make the first move and hold your eyes open for others doing the first move in your direction - you just missed three fat chances. You know what I mean!
If not, you will regret someday.

In the age of 54 you’ll find a visual novel in internet (what an internet is, you’ll find out later) called “straight!?” that will proof what I just told you right.
Oh… and don’t throw way your commodore C64 as soon as you’ll buy the new Amiga500. You’ll need it again later!”

Back to the present. Free or not, I'll send you a few bucks.
Let's see if  becoming a Patron is an further option.
Your work is great. The story, the artwork (especially Braden. He is a real ... ok, this running gag gets boring XD) I really love it!

Heya :)

Thanks for the note and no worries on writing a few hundred (thousand) words in response to the game. I like having that effect on people and I always like hearing that someone started it for the adult content and quickly got lost in the story-- that's really something that I want to change about the adult genre, or at least give people options that it's ok to have that type of content in something but the story has to matter over all. 

I also appreciate the age demographic here. I'm glad this story holds up to your version of 19 year old you as well as 54 year old you. I really wanted to make something that was going to appeal universally. Thanks a lot for the support in this <3

(2 edits)

Well, I can't agree with "(I) got lost in the story" I guess ... Depending on what you mean exactly.
Usually when I read a book or watch a movie in the cinema - if it's a good one - it takes a few minutes to get back to the real world.

If it was a really, r e a l l y good book (let's take - maybe you know one or the other: Michael Ende - Never Ending Story, Stephen King - The Dark Tower, George Orwell - 1984, JRR Tolkien - Lord of the Rings... ), well, I guess it could take a little longer (especially "The Dark Tower" which I've read for years) maybe half an hour? One hour? Two?

And now we take "Straight !?" During the game and after finishing it, I really felt like I had a crush on Braden (you know, the cutie I mentioned a couple of times). I don't mean "I love this guy" like "I love this Ash-guy, 'course what he did for his brother, for Cody, for Mikhail, for Braden and Zack ...". I mean, having a crush on him, like on a real, living, human person. With all these butterflies, all this heartache (don't ask me how I felt on the beach scene! My heart skipped a beat. Really! And I cried like a baby). 
I really believed (!) That I had a crush on an animated, fictional, digital character! No matter how strange this fetish  sounds.
Not for an hour. Not for two after the end. For more than 12 (twelve) fu *** hours. It took another 6-8 hours before I was fully back into the real world and had my mind clear and knew, "No, I don't have a crush on Braden. But I still love this character".

I've never had this weird feeling and I've never been "lost" for so long time. I can hardly put it into words. Not in German, and even less in English. I can't call it "lost in the story" anymore because it's so  next level. Another "first" for me. ;-)
I am still overwhelmed!

When I say "lost" I sorta mean absorbed or just really into the story so sounds like that's about where you were. I'm honored to think you'd rank me up there with a lot of the classics considering this is an adult piece . Also, it's nice to see the crush factor here because at least you were able to sympathize with Zack's character more

Thank you so much for this game! I really love it! This game make me feel sad, happy, anxious... wow! Its really amazing to feel that with just the life of Zach and Braden (and Mikhail and Max)! I'm french so i don't understand all sentences but i really feel the feelings of caracters! Thank you so much! 

Thanks a lot. I know the game hasn't always translated perfectly into other languages mostly because i use so much slang in the dialogue but I still appreciate that it's mostly universal and it's humbling to hear it impact others on the other side of the world. Thanks so much 

(1 edit)

Je suis absolument d'Accord!
I'm absolutely with you! :-)


Hey aaryn. I Love the game Straight!? I had a hard time stopping it to take a break lol. I see so much of Zack in me it is crazy,  and I Love how real it all seems.  Great cliff hanger when Braden walked in the room. Any way I have to see what is next for Zack and Braden.  My question is,  I have Straight!? Downloaded to my husband's computer. When the next updates happen will I have to download more content to see what happens next. Oh please I need more lol. P.S. I will become a  Patrion very soon. Zach my husband started a new job and more $ will be coming  in Thank you 😊 

yooo, thanks for the feedback and glad you're enjoying things. So for the updates, you'll have to redownload. Another problem that people always have on updates is you can't load your old game. However, you can start a new game and I have a setting where you just click a thing things to reactive the choices that you need from the previous updates and you should be good. If you use old saves, it usually crashes the game. And don't worry about contributing, only do so if you're comfortable. If you're starting a new job, make sure you guys get your stuff taken care of before you worry about the game over here. It's free for a reason. Thanks in advance. 

(1 edit)

thank you so much. You are so awesome. One last question.  When and where can I find the updates? Thank you .

They will be posted on the Patreon site first. I post all the news related to the game over there. You can also check my Twitter or join the Discord if you'd like. All of those work. I post the updates for free 3 weeks after the Patreon access and that's when i'll update things over here

thank you so much for everything 💗 

Sure thing. Thanks for the interest. I really appreciate it <3

Deleted 3 years ago

Lot of people have been interested in this. Truth is, there' isn't a "right" route here. I think it depends on the person. The "respect" route is more traditional and story based. It still checks the boxes with the NSFW stuff and I think it's appealing if you just want a standard romance. The "pervy" route was my attempt to mess with people that play these games thinking they have control of things and I wanted to flip that. In reality, the pervy route probably has more a twist to it and that's kinda fun--plus it also has some amazing Ash scenes that the respect peeps missed. But they both work. They both are hopefully accomplishing what I wanted to accomplish here in terms of story, adult content with no limits, and still opening people up the possibilities of this genre as a storytelling medium without limits

first things first......This game is awsome played it throug in one 13 fucking hours you guys are crazy in an amazing way.

I totaly can understand Zack, that he  is scared about telling people the truth and talking about his feelings. but he has good friends who are helping him over this gab and a very cute loverboy with a little bit to haired Ass, but this is a taste thing i guess.

Coming out is not easy and it will never be easy, because first of all you have to be aware about yourselfe. In my Case i was thinking im just attracted in butts, so in my Millitary time i was allways putting the straight switch on, and was not looking at the firm butts so there was no chance popping a boner ( not always worked because we had one cute guy in our unit and it was rerally hard to not get boned when he was showering)...the point is i was hiding it.

I needed to die first to figure out that live is to short to mess around with and that it can be over in a blink...officially i was dead for two minutes that changed me completely. At first i reallised i am not the brave soldier i pretent to be and second i am Gay.

of course i was not runnig around and telling it every body. when i got out of the hospital i got Promoted and was now the Sergeant of my unit.

So it happend that i had to stay over the Weekend and had to prepare stuff for the next week. so in the evenig i walked into the empty shower, i was starting my bussines as i heard someone stepping in, i looked over my shoulder and see the cutie i always popped a Boner so i got hard in an instand..but at this moment aware about my selfe i was giving a shit what he might think about me i was tired of lying to myselfe so i continued my buissnes rock hard.

I was rinsing of as i could feel someone is standing behind me,i looked back over my shoulder and there he was wet and naked and rock hard as i am. He grabed me and pulled me close to him, he started to kiss my neck caring my breast and playing with my dick, and i enjoyed it i could feel his boner in my Crack and i was ready to go much further with him. becuse in this moment i was truly for the fist time in my god damn live feeling who i am.

After that there was no point in hiding anymore i was really giving a shit what people might say and i was coming out.

first to my sister and she just sayed " well bro.....this is nothing new. I knew it already" and she was true as a boy i was allready poping boners when i have seen a cute boy.

My mom was more difficult as i told her that im Gay she sayed to me i wish i had never born you, that hurts a lot so i blocked her number and cut the wires.

And i think the point of my story is here. Be like you are, live is to short to mess around, it can be over in a blink. I learned it the hard way, and if people can't accept you like you are, cut the wires they are not worth it. My sister is still in my back with all her support and for that i lover her. My mom is still not talking with me since seven years now it is some kind of sad yes but to be honest i give a shit. Because its my live and i live it like i want to.

thats why i can undersand zack in this game i was like him, hiding myselfe and im glad its over.

but how about a translation into German, if you guys wish to i can try it but it is a hard nut to chew on and it will need time because i allready looked into it and its a freaking lot of text to translate. let me know if you are down for that.

It sucks to see such sad experiences. I guess I never actually had sad experiences because I mostly identified with the straight boys, I just happened to like dudes at the same time. However, a lot of those interests were genuine and still are and I kinda like that about me. The downside is that the sexuality was in complete odds with the normal way that I acted--people never knew-- and those that I tell usually joke and say "prove it" because it's just nothing most people would ever guess about me. In some regards, that makes the process even harder (for me anyway). I do agree that you need to surround yourself with positive people. The older I get, the less I care for appearances and pretending to be something that I'm not. Time is finite and I choose to spend it with people that are more important to me. That's a hard transition to make, like you said, but it feels more important with the passing days

omg, congrats man, how does it feel to be finally out? how I wish I was


This game is so amazing to me because it shows of what could be if i had control when and how i came out. I'm just gonna say this that nobody and i mean nobody should pressure you to come out and you have the decision when to do it that is comfortable for you(obviously there are some people who are scared and maybe becomes to having internalized homophobia but that's a different discussion) 

My coming out story was definitely something that should be avoided but unfortunately the adults that were involved were idiots and insensitive. So In High school I was still having the in the closet phase but i already knew i liked boys ever since Elementary. I had this one friend who i told i had a dream about the guy that we were kissing and then obviously high school drama she told it to my crushes best friend and he told my crush and this whole thing happened he started to avoid me and when we do interact he was rude and eventually i resulted into i like him while also hating him and i vandalized my chair out of spite saying "I hate (Crush name)" So obviously my teacher saw this and immediately went to the principal and thus i was suspended so i understood i was suspended because of vandalizing but what i don't understand is why do they need to fucking explain the reason to my parents why i wrote that(by this point everyone already knew that i had a crush on this guy even the teachers and principal knew because why not, the students in my school were literally a gossip blog waiting to happen) so they did that i didn't really had any choice and they told my parents basically i was gay and like this whole thing happened with my parents which made me so uncomfortable not only because i wasn't the one to say to come out but also my parent were extremely religious and this whole bullshit conversation about how its hard being the way i am(yeah no shit but so is life so literally no difference) and my uncle was the same thing i was and he resulted to becoming paralyzed and then died because of stress(yeah uh can't you tell were different people and if he died because of stress then can't you tell you are doing the same thing?)



First, i want to say I'm sorry about your experience. I wish there was a way that we could all have control over things like this but sadly that isn't the case. Some people are malicious and others are far too aloof to realize the potential damage in accidently busting someone out.

The game is designed as you say. It's not the way to come out but it's depicting a way to slowly come out. It's also designed to help connect the dots between things that don't make sense or ways that people can perpetuate their own homophobia internally and shows potential ways to mitigate that--to slowly work towards your own level of acceptance or understanding of that. This will not be everyone's story. A lot of Zack's connections and philosophical rants are my own and how I connected the dots. I write it to reinforce it in myself and I write it in the hopes that it will help others that have struggled with their own fight of acceptance. I do wish you the best in your journey. I can't promise you that your own journey with be without obstacles; but I will say that mine has and is getting better and for that reason alone, I'm optimistic for you <3


new update means the continuation right o_o 


correct. New updates will always be a continuation of the story for now. Once the game is completed (in probably 2 more updates) then future updates will go back to add things and redo the beginning part. Basically polish things up and add a lot of the stuff i had to skip back in the day

ok so i downloaded the recent one and when i get to the part i almost cried on (when Braden walks into the new dorm surprising Zack) it still says to be continued and then ends it


Yep, that's the end of the current build. I'm working on things from there. The new update, when it comes out, will pick up right there with a new last chapter

ok thx i thought it was some wrong i cant wait tho

wait quick question, theres only one route in this right? or is there more?


One major story with 2 different perspectives based on the choice you make to touch or not. That decision sends subtle shockwaves out throughout the story that fundamentally change the tone. Specifically the last update (second half of chapter 9) is very different


This, this game is great. I honestly didn't realize how invested I was until the end and I got all emotional. But I seriously can't wait until the next chapter. Very good job and thanks for such a great story!


Thank you soooo much. It's nice to hit people in the feels (although sometimes i feel guilty for it )

(1 edit) (+1)

I finished this game last week and it legit gave me a lot to think about. I came out to a few friends in high school and a few more in college.  I later came out to my parents b4 graduating and there are still some challenges. This story is a great blend of the coming out experience, a strong bond between friends and the struggles faced due to society being so determined to label or judge. So many are pushed into situations just because they are told they have to follow a certain path and they end up neglecting their own path as a result. I study mental health and I think this game is a great game for those who feel like no one understands their struggle. This game is full of passion, laughs and something to just make you see beyond the misery of the world. There are good people out there to form strong bonds with so never give up the fight to find them. To those who are struggling, you are not alone no matter how often it feels that way.


I appreciate this and I'm glad the purpose of the story really resonated with you. I always appreciate comments from those people in the mental health field because it was always meant to be a tool. It's an odd way to reach an audience but there's definitely a market in this genre for people who have struggled and I thought this was a solid way to reach them. 

(1 edit) (+1)

Well I think you did a wonderful job and I'm looking forward to reading the rest of the story.  I'm sharing the story with friends in hopes of it connecting with them in its own way. We all have our story to tell and I think your story hits a variety of angles to make people think. Mental health is all about working through thoughts in a healthy manner. We can't run from our concerns all the time so it's important to face them in a constructive and beneficial manner


I agree and I do appreciate you sharing it with others. May stimulate some dialogue (or healthy banter 'cause that's how I am with my friends )  :P


😄honestly those are probably some of the best convos. Especially when it's friends who aren't afraid to ask or answer the real sensitive questions. That's how you know you're comfortable around each other



Honestly whole game was amazing up uptil end of chapter 9, i know its the story about Braden and Zack but i cant get over that there wasnt any option after what happened at the gym with Braden, I mean i personally wouldnt just get over something so big so quickly and it just makes me furious, anyway too bad we dont get to have room with Jordyn, he seemed like a fun guy.


[Heavy Spoilers]
Appreciate the comment although I feel kinda bad that you seem to have missed the entire point of that powerful exchange and the communication between the two characters. 

One important thing to note here is that your "fury" should be directed back at your own choice in the game. In the route you chose (pervy in this case it seems), Zack never wanted to do what you chose to have him do. He even says as much right after you make the choice to touch Braden ( he states that it's almost like someone else made the choice for him). He actually fights back against the player's choice and expresses guilty throughout the game once that choice is made. However, the assumption here is that the player was ok with that choice because you had three separate occasions to shut it down. In return, I wanted to flip this upside-down on the players that chose to play this for solely pervy reasons and have them essentially get masterfully outsmarted by the person they chose to creep on. However, Braden was never meant to be a villain. I saw the player's choice of pervy/respect as a choice on what you actually wanted Braden to be--not Zack. Regardless of your choice here, the assumption was that you can't be furious with the characters because you're the hand that made them do that in the first place and they both obviously felt terrible about it--hence their discussion and subsequent promise to never speak about it again.

The discussion is also really important here because i wanted a template for relationships to actually talk about heavy shit in a healthy manner. Media is inundated with reality TV and dysfunction. I wanted to show a positive way for people to express strong and hurt feelings. While they're both initially pissed off, the exchange has them settle down. They listen to each other objectively because, in the end, they both fucked up, and I believe in healthy relationships, you dont need to keep score on who fucked up more. You talk things out and you try to see if you can pick up the pieces together or not. That exchange was about acceptance, forgiveness, and moving forward despite mistakes they were both truly sorry for. 

Well I didnt think my choice back there would have consequences since none appeared in like 2 chapters, so i didnt bother thinking about right or wrong, but still what Zack did was nothing comparing to what Braden did, I mean yea that was pervy but man comparing what Braden did, Zack was a saint at that point. But what frustrates me even more is the whole thing when Zack lied about his GF and Braden heard it, and then made entire charade about how he cant trust Zack because of something this small, yet he was basically manipulating Zack the whole time, sure he didnt mean it in bad way but it isnt pleasant feeling when you know you ve been toyed with and played like you re some kind of tool, kinda makes you feel dumb.


I suppose i could be somewhat confrontational (gently so in this case) but if you didn't think about the consequences about Zack's choice then, why would you expect Braden to? Braden even specifically says it started out small. How many things in our lives start out as a small lie or stretch of the truth, only to continue to accumulate and become a leviathan of lies. At some point, we have to shut those down and the bigger the lie becomes, the harder it gets to shut down--or to even find a smooth way to shut it down. 

There's also a ton of truth in how frustrated we can become with others when they essentially wrong us in the same way we do them. It could also be projection from Braden. To me, there's about a million reasons why Braden could react the way he did.  It's a dilemma and because of that, it was avoided and it festered as most things that are avoided do and I wanted to show that things can fester with good people that originally had honest intentions. To me, that exchange is way more complex than just a comparison of who did what worse

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I attmid i feel sorry for Braden, He figured out that Zack is attracted in him and just wanna know how far this goes, so he try's to lure zack out of his Snailhousing. But soon Braden develope feelings for Zack he dosn't knew he is able to, and get trapped in his own snowball. i just can imagine what a torture it is. and i don't wanna spoiler so at the end of carpter 9 i cried like a little kid this story got me really bad because anyhow i can understand both. and i'm looking forward for the next chapters because would like to see how this guys become even closer (wink) they are made for each other. Anyway both ends are supperior (hope i wrote this word right....guess not but you know what i mean) becuse both endings will send your emotions on a rollercoaster.

Well i dont agree with your view, i have my own views on the situation, still amazing work. Also, I loved your quotes at the end of each chapter, were they from some book? because if they werent, u ve got some talent, those were amazing.


nah, it's me. the quotes are from the game itself. I basically preview each chapter with a random out of context quote that happens somewhere in the reading so then you get to sorta wait until it pops up to see what it really meant

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Until 2 days ago  I didn't even know that VN existed, and I had the inmense luck that my first :) has been this one I loved it  and read it in 2 days and I felt very touched You can feel that it has been written by good persons and so I have not hesitated to contributing right away in patreon Thank you!! and looking forward for the next chapter


Thank you so much for the contribution. I'm honored that you chose this as your first VN although it's probably not the best example of the traditional use of the genre. Sorta started off doing my own thing with this and it just went from there. I'm glad it became something different though. I appreciate the note and the support. More to come !


Hold up I almost cried at the end that was addictive beautiful and just weirdly great the ending though was built different I literally almost cried with happy tears when I saw Braden


glad things are hitting you in the feels. that always means a lot cause i let myself go to really emotional places when i write this. always glad when it hits :)


I think you should be a rewarded if u made me cry just for me reading a novel I mean wow around of applause!!!!!

but not gonna lie that hit rit at home when it was like been trying to hide my sexuality for years and been acting straight forever im bi/curiou

that's part of what i'm trying to accomplish here. just sorta make a template for the process and normalize that it's not quite as easy as just blurting out to the world that your bi or gay or whatever. there's a process there and sometimes that's really freaking hard for some people to connect those dots


just finished ch9 and omg i loved it, Codi i think that is his name i loved him in his underwear lol, i cant wait for updates, btw sorry for not paying anything im broke this month but next month im so going to contribute i think im in love lol


yo, no worries. seriously. this game is free for a reason and I run on donations only. Even the feedback is meaningful to me and i appreciate that. Glad you're in love. Stay tuned. next month i'm switching this project to my main job so i'm getting serious with it so hopefully that only improves things. Appreciate the support but dont short yourself <3


This game is amazing. I found it by coincidence some days ago. Since then, I nearly couldn't stop playing. I played till deep in the night, knowing I habe to get up early for work, but I just couldn't stop. When I got home from work, I hurried to eat and turned on my conputer, just to continue playing.

The development, the characters go through is genius. I think I don't lie if I say, everyone has a character in the game you can identify with or at least with the problems and feelings they have to go through. Since I am german, I had sometimes problems to understand some words and phrases. But even without beeing able to translate every single word, the feelings and everything else is getting to me. Hell I am not a very emotional person at all, but I nearly cried over the whole chapter 9. The story, the feelings, the whole thing caught me off guard.

Keep up with this brilliant masterpiece. I can't wait for the next update. This cliffhanger and the end of chapter 9 is allready killing me now, even I finished the chapter just 8 hours ago xD

It would be great, if you get the chance, when the game is finished one day, to implement some more languages. I think there would be millions of people, who would love to play this game, but aren't that good in english. Anyways, I will continue to play this game, when the next update is out. Also I will play it every now and then, see what changes, when I choose the other route.

Also I think I will just join patreon, to support this masterpiece. Indie Games like this, need every support, they can get, to get it known to people, all accross the world. Just now, where there are still people, hidding out there in their closet. Even its an adult game, the focus lies on the story and not on the sexual parts. And I think the story could help many teenagers accross the world, helping them to deal with their feelings.

Sorry this comment got so long, but I had to let you know this, cause this game really caught me. Keep up the brilliant and genius work and just cant wait till I can play the next chapter.


thank you for the lengthy and thoughtful response. Game progress will continue, in fact it will go full time starting in August and this will be the primary focus of my day. I'm optimistic that given the quality that we've pushed out so far, this will only increase when I have an extra 10 hours per day. 

in terms of languages, yes, I would like to implmenent translations. I've had many offers over the years and i've mostly declined because the beginning of the game needs polished and reworked a bit. I didn't want to waste people's time with translating something that wasn't completed. That will likely change in the future. I'm also pleased that, despite me probably having a heavy American bias to the writing, I'm still pleased to hear that it translates to your as well. I want the game to be universal without making it' generic. 

I'd gladly welcome the patreon support and there's plenty of supplemental stuff on there. That will only increase in the coming months with the job change and primary focus on this project. I don't know if i'm brilliant or not but i certainly like our approach at doing things a bit differently. Thanks for the support and hope you're safe--news has had some pretty hearbreaking images with flood damage out of Germany that looked devastating :(

You're welcome. No need ro hurry with the translations. Like I said, the meaning of the story and the emotional parts are transported very well, even if you dont understand every single word.

I am happy that I can help, even with a small charge on patreon. Allready did that this evening to show my support and thank you for your work on the game. Also allready joined your discord, to stay up to date xD

Yeah the flood here is terrible. Over 100 people allready died. Some small villages got nearly completely destroyed. And there are still hundreds of people missing. I live in rhineland-palatinate, one of the states that got hid by the flood. But I live in the south eastern part of the state and mostly the north got hit. But there still is danger, if it starts raining again within the next days

Oh, i see ya. I was in a call when you joined so i was sidetracked. Usually I try and say hey to everyone. Belated welcome and thanks again for the support. I hope you stay safe over there man <3

No prob. You deserve the support and I am glad I can be a little part of that support. Thx I try to stay safe. Here where I live, we should be save. And thx for the welcome <3

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Your game is Brillant Aaryn. I am not usually into slow burn VN's but this one caught my attention. I hooked me so hard that I finished it in about 2 days. 

The story is absolutely brillant and very engaging. As a writer myself I am pretty critical of what I am reading be it my work or others, but I was pleasantly surprised how well put together it was. In most VN's that I have read they are not as well thought out and rushed but this is a gem to be treasured.

I wish you well in your endevor and waiting for the next update. 

On a side note. I cried when during the fire scenes and after as it felt real as it was happened right then. Though the bond between Zack and Braden is a powerful thing. Oh and Ashley's Character is amazing


It's always cool to get feedback from other writers. I've never identified as a writer and honestly, I'm still not sure that I do because I'm sorta just stumbling through this whole thing. It's even more empowering when people talk about having raw emotional reactions to various scenes. I've had many emotional reactions in writing them so it just feels cool when you can pass that along to others--specifically those that are more verse in the art of writing. 

heh, Ash has skyrocketed to the top of the list for a lot of people. I've sorta joked on the Discord that I think I made a mistake and made the supporting character better than the mains, lol. He's soooo chaotic but warm then completely manipulative in the next scene. I pretty much shake my head every time I write him but he's super fun and has really grown on me

same here same here except the being a writer part lol

will you be releasing an android version?

I actually have one that was fan made but I haven't gotten a change to really test it yet but it's in the works. This will be a more serious goal moving forward though since i'll have more time

Sounds good, awesome VN, Will be easier to access for me once it's in Android. Thanks again for such a great story and visuals.


Didn't read the game's description. Downloaded this coz it was M/M. Went in expected another lewd degen VN. 

Ended up almost losing sleep and finished the whole thing in 2-sitting; and now I'm a big ball of mess thanks to the ending when I see who is on the other side of the door. Never ever have I cried over a visual novel. Mx. Aaryn and Mx. Blayke, y'all have me floored. I wanted moreeee! Never been invested in any characters of a visual novel before since they seem to be touch-and-go based on my very short experience in the genre, but y'all got me invested on these two men. 

Thank you for making this! Definitely following for updates!


heh, thanks a lot. there's more coming. it's nice to surprise people :)


I just finished chapter 9, and, I have to say, one of the best VN's I've ever read/watched/whateveryoucallit. I had seen it on here, and had been hesitant to get it. Hot damn, am I glad I did! Went from start to end of chapter 9 in 2 sittings. I just couldn't put it down. To say I'm looking forward to more would be the understatement of the century.

I'm working thru some financial stuff, and had to drop all of my Patreon stuff, but, the MINUTE(and I do mean MINUTE) I get it sorted I will become one of your patrons. This work deserves to be made, and I would love to play a role in helping that happen.

Again, you've done an amazing job so far and I can't wait for more. 


yo, thanks for the kind words and I'm glad you enjoyed it. 

I will say, don't worry about the Patreon rush. I release this for free for a reason and only accept donations so please take care of yourself and those you love first before you throw cash over here. I appreciate it but I've also refunded people that I found out weren't in a good financial place at the time. I'm thankful for what I get but I'm not trying to short people, ya know? I hope things work out for you and I really appreciate the feedback <3


Okay. I just finished Chapter 9, and can't wait to play chapter 10. This game is a MASTERPIECE in my opinion. The story aspect is very good! "Slow burn", yes, but the character development in this game is amazing, like you can imagine that they're all real life people. Good job. Gonna patiently wait for chapter 10! Kudos to the developer!


heh...for my first time I'm sooooo shy when people call it a "masterpiece." It still has a ton of flaw--particularly the beginning and the visuals early on. I was a total newb. Glad you vibe with the characters, though. They've all grown on me in their own way--although, people seem to overwhelmingly have their favorite after Chapter 9 :p


No worries dude. Gonna play it again sometime while I wait, and explore all the routes that I didn't take. Thank you once again for this game. It broke me to the core.


we'll get through it together. Dont think it doesn't break me to write it. I lost control of these characters a long time ago

Oh, I forgot. One thing that I would add (change?) to this game is a graphic for the characters name. sometimes it's really hard for me to know which character says what because it blends in with the background

yep, I want to change the UI for that reason. It's just been low on the priority list and I need to do some research into how to do it exactly. I changed the original text window a few years ago but that's been forever so I really wanna do some work there in the future


Can Zach be the top in the nsfw scenes?


as it stands right now, the reader will likely have a choice if things get to that point


question will braden be  top or bottom


If I had to guess, you'll have the option to choose. If not, I'd image Zach would take one for the team.  For Braden to jump from "straight" to full on power bottom would probably be a bit much for even him.


tbh i was hoping so cause i'd pick the option to bottom for him lol

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I think it will be fun watching Zach trying to squeeze that massive dong in him. 😁  Trying being the operative word.


loll i agree!


I've publicly stated before on the discord that I would prefer the reader have a choice so I plan on sticking with that unless the story specifically requires something different

ahhh i see, love that idea. i wasnt really in the discord at that time so i wouldnt know xd.

no worries and hopefully that didn't come off sarcastic. I was just confirming that I was planning with what I had publicly stated before. In the past, I've changed my mind sometimes. I don't plot a lot of the story out and just sorta feel it out in real time; that way I get surprised at the outcomes too. More fun that way when even the writer doesn't get spoiled :p

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nono your fine lol, and thats a good fun way to make a story. love that.

I love your VN! Best one I have read! I am so looking forward to the future installments! I am not one to comment in threads, but I saw this topic and felt a desire to suggest one more option to the Top/Bottom choice (and maybe how the "choice" is going to be presented in the story dialog, this will be the case), but you might want to consider (which you probably already have)  presenting an option where the characters are openly versatile, thus going back and forth between top and bottom is fluid with the story line. Readers would still be able to choose that a character be exclusively one way or the other, but this way, for readers like me, we can make the characters change positions from scene to scene without taking us out of the story. 

I appreciate the suggestion. I'll weigh it appropriately. Part of suggestions like this are in the actual logistics. It's easy to have an idea for something like this that could easily inflate to several hundred pictures which can take way longer. However, I know what you're saying so I usually try and balance that (this is mostly because I have a way of creating way more pictures than I probably need just to make it more cinematic). I will say that I've always had a pretty good idea how a scene like that would play out and it may differ from how others would imagine it. The good news is, that in 3 years, that idea has never really changed so that's probably how things would play out if that ever happened. But who knows, I've changed my mind last minute before :)

Is Straight considered abandonware now?  It's been about 6 months with the only progress being the outline at 10%.


i sure hope not :(

the last post on patreon is jun 1st so i dont think so


No. it's not abandoned. I'm still working on it


i had no idea what i was expecting from this VN but i'm so glad to have downloaded it; an absolute gem. you've somehow made it possible to fall in love with every character, despite their quirks, and sometimes just downright weird antics. hands down one of the best experiences i've had in a while and can't wait for the next update. 

awww. thanks a ton <3

Hope it gets released on Android Too


This actually may happen very soon

aaaaah i'm so glad to hear that ♡ can't wait
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