Haven't started yet. it's going to be awhile. to get this one done in the time frame we did, i've had zero days off in months so i'm resting up a bit. But then we have to do outlining and prep work. The majority of updates on game progress come from the actual patreon page just to keep people in the loop
yeah I am having a hard time getting this new file to start off where I think we all left off them all going to the beach. have any recommendations on how I can do that?
1. So the update is currently only available to the $5 Patreon supporters. This is basically how I cover costs and stuff. I take donations. However, 3 weeks after Patreon release, it goes free to everyone. The game will always be like that. After it's public, then i post the link on a few other sites.
2. Your best bet after an update is to just delete the previous one and play the new one. However, don't use old saves. There's a warning at bootup when you play the game but someone always tries to load an old save anyway and then messages me saying their game has errors. If you use an old save, the game will crash. So when you get the new update, just click New Game and then follow the red "update" choices. It'll ask you a few questions about your past choices and then drop you off just prior to the end of the last update--so basically it'll feel like you're loading an old save anyway.
3. The new full game with v0.17.2 is almost 1.6 gigs. So if you delete the old one and then just drop this one in instead, it won't be that much bigger
When I was playing this game/VN, I had a strong impression that Zack, Braden and Mikhail would become a three person couple. Any chance that might happen?
I won't confirm or deny any future spoilers. At this point, there's several hundred active game supporters that would be furious if i gave away an ending somewhere
the newest update just dropped last Saturday on the Patreon. I'll update the link on the Patreon site for the free download of v017 on January 25. Patreon supporters get the updates 3 weeks earlier than the free folks. We've had the largest positive reaction to this update over any other one in the game's history. Warning: it's an emotional rollercoaster
Hey, I love the way the story goes but choices doesn't make that much of a difference for now, I think. Still, great work tho.
Good luck with that project.
And I just want to know one last thing. (Im kinda "wanna know end of the movie before watching it" type of guy) At the end, will they be together finally? I'm not interested in details. Just "Yes" or "No" would be enough. Thanks xD.
The choices matter but more so to customize the experience to the reader moreso than completely changing the story. The plan was to have two "perspectives" rather than actual separate "routes." This basically means that the story is written one way but based on your choices and perception, it can chance things. We haven't gotten to the biggest difference between them but there are very subtle differences already places throughout the game.
In terms of the ending, there's no way i could spoil that. I've always answered that question as this: "I feel the ending will be appropriate for the journey we've been on." It must fit with the story or nothing mattered the entire time.
I want to make a point, tho. The game looks kinda "lacking" without music, in my opinion. Some kind of sountrack can fill a lot of space. Actually I played the game with music that I opened at the background. Music adds some kind of "feeling" to games in my opinion.
Have a nice adventure, my fellow game developer! Can't wait to see the full game.
Yeah, it's on the list. i just dont have time to add everything right now. it's a slow progression. This is just the rough draft. Think of this like the practice version of the game. I honestly want an entire soundtrack but that's going to be really expensive to purchase music rights. So we've elected to go silent for now
Aaryn, when the time comes I suggest doing searches on YouTube for up and coming artists (especially LGBT artists). They probably would provide cheaper music (or even free) and would love to be more exposed.
Ok, so this game is actually soo amazing though when I first downloaded this game I did not expect it to be so good I relate to Zack like so much its honestly disturbing how much me and him have in common, although I have some critiques for the first part of the game sometimes it can sorta feel like a time loop until you do the right thing because the dialog repeats, but other than that its pretty damn good, I look forward to the finished version. Also this is kind of sad but I actually missed these characters yesterday when I finally hit the "to be continued" screen, you've done a pretty good job if i'm actually missing these characters like they're actual real life friends of mine. So hey, kudos to you I can't wait to see the finished version.
to be honest, i have the same problem. Every time i try and take a break from this game, the characters beckon me back and i tend up writing another chapter. you're right about the beginning of the game. it does repeat because that's how the majority of these games were setup so i just cloned that style in the beginning but i ended up hating it so i moved away. This is still the draft version so we'll go back and fix the first part for sure. Also the art sucks in the beginning and I got a lot better so all of that will be redone too
Hey Aaryn ~ Man ! I totally fell for this game .. like head over heels .. TBH It took me through a ride along my own story , all those bittersweet feelings over and over again ! I love this novel so so so sooo much <3 loads of love <3
Ahh btw very very eagerly waiting for the next episode ! been checking daily XD Braden is such a sick darling i just love him <3 and Zack ! gosh he reminds me of myself soo much !! They both are so so so very relatable ! I really liked Mikhail too , yeah and that "mom-fucker" hahah he was very cute tbh , what's his name anyway .. did i miss it or did you not mention it xD
All the very very best for this and coming games ! ALso cheers to your future , Hope you'd have a very bright one <3 love from India
heya, thanks for the love from India. It's super humbling to get approval of this project from all over the world. One of the early goals of this was to make it applicable to different people, beliefs, ages, cultures, and perspectives. It's just really cool when i get that validation.
Glad you're digging the characters. In terms of good ole MF, we haven't seen his name specifically in the game yet. I just did a public post on the Patreon and I'm dropping the new update tomorrow over there. Then 3 weeks later it'll go public for free.
Hope you have a bright future as well and Happy New Year from the United States :)
you could probably start with Part 2: Chapter 5. The new update dropped today on the Patreon and finishes up Chapter 8 so you got plenty to catch up on. TBH, you haven't even gotten close to where the game actually gets good imo. Chapter 6 is usually where people say they got hooked
Hi ! :) I was wondering something: are translations ever planned? If not, and if possible, I wouldn't mind helping or doing everything lol. (I'm French, so in French, lol. As an amateur of course, i only translate manga.) Otherwise, the game is great :p A few mistakes, but nothing to wry abt
Waiting for the next update~~ And, happy holidays!
Hey, you too. I have people who have expressd interest in translations. One person has even completed a French translation, I'm just not sure how to release them. The other problem is that this is still the rough draft version of the game so it is likely going to change. I didn't want people to spend time translating something that is just going to change.
Hope you have an awesome holiday too. Thanks a lot :)
I don't have Discord. But I guess I will have to go get it now.. ;-) Oh and on the subject of your game. Bravo. the whole day that I was playing it I had to keep reminding myself that I didn't have anything nearly as sensational or magical as the two lead characters in Straight!? I was like "Oh yeah that first time boy love is happening in that game I'm playing , not in my life. which was kind of a bummer . for me. but that means that you and your game are doing what they are supposed too. which is draw me into a world that does not exist . but in every way feels as though it does. The only thing I have a problem with is how long its taking you too come out with the next part!! lol Kidding take your time and do it right. Thanks for letting me ramble. is your screen name at Discord aaryn.reese as well? Good Luck. and good job!! And happy Holidays!! Alan P
Hell, man. I have a problem with how long it's taking for the next part but i just announced a goal date for the release to the Patreon supporters so it's hopefully coming in the near future.
I'm glad you're enjoying the story and it's drawing you in. Hopefully, it will continue to have an impact on you. I have dozens of reasons for making this game and maybe it will help give you the motivation to seek out something magical :)
The beginning (i wanna say first 3 chapters) are setup a bit different than the rest of the game. At the time i started this project, a lot of adult games were stat based and grindy. Because that was the common and popular way of creating these games, I followed suit. However, i didn't like it. In a fairly early build, i ended up scrapping stats completely and went for more story. To fix and transition from the state-based play to strictly story, you get the current setup of the beginning of the game. Basically, if you're getting repeats in the game, it's because you keep picking the same stuff, try something different. There's certain conditions that have to be met that will pop up new choices then you should be good and the game moves forward
And no, there's no ending to the game yet, it's still be worked on. The game is released episodically. So at the end of this current build, you'll get a screen that will say "to be continued." But if you're still on the repetition stuff, you got a loooooong way to go (probably a good 10 hours or more of story). If you dont like the reptition, it won't last that long. The plan is to go back and rewrite the beginning and eliminate the repeated stuff completely once the game is done. This entire project is still in pre-alpha build. Hopefully, if you play it long enough, you'll see that i got better as i learned what i was doing and added a couple other guys to the project. So no repeats after chapter 3
Once I skipped over Part 1, it was really great. I enjoy playing this game/visual novel. Zack, Braden and Mikhail definitely have three way couple potential vibes. Would really like seeing that.
Dude, I like, LOVE this game to the point where it hurts. I legit spent the past two days or something playing through it and was heartbroken when I had been through all the available chapters. Like, that scene where they're playing tag and hide n seek and then that kiss, I LEGIT squealed. PLEASE update the game as soon as you possibly can!
heh. thanks a lot :) Seriously glad that scene moved you cause it meant the world to me writing it. Fav scene in the game tbh (well, until the next update i think). It's in the works, it's just a really involved and seriously impactful update that's next so it's important to get it right. Thanks for the love though :)
Hey... I don't know if you still come here... I'm trying to get in touch with you! Your game is just awesome in lot of ways... I want to help you for that but I don't really know how and first I'd like to know where you're going and if you're still up for completing the game.
I hope you'll read this com and we can talk further more next time!
heya, thanks for the love. Yep, I still check in here and I get an email when people post. You can hit me up on the patreon site or check out our discord too (the link is available through the patreon site and is free).
Yes, the game will be completed. This next update is just really complicated so it's taking awhile
Oh boy, where do i begin. This game... This game is something else. Once i started playing it i couldn't stop. It felt like i was playing it with my heart rather than my brain. The story, the environment, the scenes, the characters, BRADEN!!!
First of all i want to thank you for making this game, for putting time in your life you create this masterpiece. I wish i could meet you in real life to give you a big ass hug. I will gladly donate $10 and become an Elite Patreon member; i wish i could donate more but being a "Broke College Student", i can't.
Now, about this beauty of a game. I fell in love with it, mostly because of Braden being such a cute ass guy and the guy of my dreams, but the game itself is something i can't quite describe, It's EVERYTHING. The way the characters act and how they look, the choices that are given making you feel part of the story. Just AGHghg... This game changed how i see some things in life; it made me see what love is, what it feels like and showed me that i yet have to experience love. You or Ya'll, im not sure who made this, if it was one person or a group of people, are amazing at creating a story!
I love both the characters, but Braden took my heart, since the first time the game introduces him i felt something click inside of me. I'M IN LOVE WITH HIM! Which i don't know if it's a good thing. It just makes me really sad knowing he isin't real and i'm kind of embarrassed to share this but i cried myself to sleep knowing he doesn't exist. Just the way he acts, an athlete, is really humble, and overall freaking CUTE! I hope to one day meet someone like him, but enough feeling sad for myself.
I'm really sorry to make a comment an essay but this game is really special to me, for a person who is not emotional and really hard to make them cry, this game made me do just that. And i thank you. I wish i could show my appreciation by giving $millions to you but i don't have that. I was going to beg to you to continue this story or make another one with Braden but i saw the game is still a work in progress and that the story is to be continued so it just makes me even more excited! Although, i do have one request, you can't add it, i understand, but i would like to see a little of foot action. Maybe just for 3 slides, but it would be nice if you show something like Zach sucking on Braden's toes... ok this just became awkward. Let's move on. Also, if you don't mind me asking, what program did you use for the models and the environtment? If you don't want to answer to that, i understand. And if you ever add audio it would be cool if you add environmental sounds and sound effects not just music.
And one last thing, what kind of BMW does Braden have? just curios since im a little into cars. I'm thinking is a 2015 BMW M4 Coupe, but i could be wrong, if you don't know either it's ok. I would also like to see what Zach drives and see Braden's reaction, but that is just me, my additions might not work well with the story so i understand if you can't add them.
Anyway, i love ya'll so much for making this game and i hope yall keep continuing this story for a while. I can't thank ya'll enough and i hope the best for you all.
Made an account just so I could keep this in my collection and check for updates every few days haha. I wish I could do patreon but I just can't afford it :/ I would have loved to at least see the logs of the updates.
Dont worry about it. Dont short yourself. I will say that I keep better information on the Patreon site than over here so, you can still check out the site. The Overview tab shows the completion percentage. The next update is longer so it's taking a long time. I'm always humbled when people make accounts just to post a comment about the game. Means a lot :)
Updates are pretty slow right now because of the level of detail i'm trying to cram into the next version. It's still a ways out. You can check the Patreon Overview tab and it'll show the current percentage of where I am. That's all free stuff on there. I don't update much on here sadly. It's just too much to try and keep track of
Such a hot game! Hopefully in a future update the player can play with the characters sexually by touching and having them do various sexual things, including fetishes, as if they were your actual boyfriends! Beautiful characters and extremely fine graphics. I'm 19 too, so it was slightly in what my footsteps would be :) if I had extra money I'd become a patron!
Storyline nearly made me cry. And yes it made me hard lol (that's one point of the game right?) I absolutely love it!!!! Never found a game that satisfies gays like me, so this is legit when I'm this excited over this one. Keep up the excellent work aaryn! ;*
P.S: how awesome would it be if Adam Rippon played and enjoyed this game so much he became a patreon immediately?!?
I considered things like that in the early builds but was too amateur to actually code it. There won't be many fetish things in the game other than really what's been included. I wanted a fairly vanilla approach to things so that people wouldn't be deterred by the content and still be able to experience the story.
love the game... cant wait till the new update comes....i played right up til mikhal zack and braden head to the beach.....so looking forward to what happens next.....
Yep. You caught up then for v0.16. We're working hard on the next one but it's a lot longer with some insane requirements so it's taking awhile but rest assured that it will come out. I have every intention of completing this game
I didn't think it was going to be much when I downloaded this game, but oh my god I love it. I completely lost track of time playing this game, and I can't wait for the next update. It's so much longer than most VNs I've played and I loved every minute of it. I'd sign up for your patreon if I still had a reliable income, but I'm definitely going to donate some when I get a chance.
No worries for the financial stuff. The game will remain free. If you wanna toss some coins this direction, it's appreciated but don't short yourself. The game is fully funded by donations. I'm glad you're enjoying it. We still have quite a bit left to tell so stay tuned. This next update is crazy...
After I first downloaded your "game" from itch.io it was so late and I was so tired that I haven't even opened it and actually forgot about it for almost a week. But then when I faintly remembered it and finally tried it out there wasn't a day when I haven't spent at least three hours clicking back and forth with it. Heck, one night I put it down and went to sleep at 6 AM because of it.
And what a journey it was! The story, the characters, the images, the emotional involvement... I sweated from anxiety, pissed myself from laughter, cried with emotions and there was one more body fluid that got expelled regularly. I mean wow!
There were so many moments I could connect with my own life, my past thoughts and struggles, regrets I still had and now feel much better about, questions I got answers to... The humor is exquisite, somehow always seems to be new even when it's just a simple dick joke. The wisdom of the writing is overwhelming, so much thought has been put into it. And so much heart! I think the amount of kindness that shines from this work is unbelievable. I feel like a better and fuller person for being lucky enough to experience this.
It's so good that I would print it, publish it and teach it in highschools! It has so much to show us about tolerance, acceptance, kindness and just how freaking complicated and beautiful we humans are.
Aaryn, to you and your whole team, I raise my hat and I send you my deepest and warmest thank you! You touched so many people, I only hope that that is gonna continue to happen and that you guys know how beautiful, important and real this work, this art, this storytelling is.
Thanks for the love! I really mean it. I responded to ya on the Patreon account so I wont spam ya. But thanks again for the feedback; posts like these are an inspiration to me
Currently working on it. It's going to take awhile because it's a much longer update than before. About the double the size of our longest one before. No ETA on it right now but I do log a lot of info on the Patreon site
Yeah, the Patreon charges upfront now, simply because it unlocks all the previous content too. It also takes debit cards on there but some banks are kinda funky about it. However, the game will always be free.
At the risk of opening with a cliché, I only created an account to praise you on making what is by far the best VN I've ever read (played?). It is easily in a league of its own when compared to even the most highly rated VN out there. I loved everything about it from the art, the chemistry, the humour, the ups, downs all the way to the masterful writing which is where your novel really shines. I can't remember the last time a game brought me to the verge of tears and more than once.
Apart from very few grammar mistakes, there is really nothing I would change. great job and thanks.
Wow... this is amazing to hear. Thank you. Sooooo much. I love hearing things like this and it really helps keep me motivated on the project. Thank you. Thanks for taking the time to just share your reaction. It just means a lot :)
Aww. Thanks alot and thanks for joining the Patreon page, too. It's def not about money for me but it really does help. On a side note, the game should get better because i legit had zero idea what i was doing in the beginning so I'm learning as I go. This is still just the rough draft so far so hopefully it'll continue to evolve as I learn more and the team increases.
Hey thanks. Maybe eventually but not right now. I started this solo and had zero idea what i was doing. We've been expanding since then as interest has grown so the game quality gradually improves. So this is just a rough draft. When it's done, we're gonna go back through and redo parts of it to improve the quality using what we learned. I'm not going to do anything like extra ports or translations until we're in the final draft version because it's just extra work. Would rather do it like one time
Hi! Sorry for my bad English, I'm from another country. I would like to say that this game is very cool, accidentally stumbled upon it, but I really liked it: really well - designed dialogues, unusually executed graphics and most importantly-non-standard characters, which makes me very happy. I would like to say a special thank you for the study of hair on the body of the characters - this is a very unusual moment, which I noticed immediately. I wish the author success and hope his project will be successful in the future. Only recently sat down for this game, but more than satisfied with it. Thank you for creating it.
Hey thanks for the kind words, Millarian. The dialogue was something that was really important to me in this. It was purposely written very nonstandard to try and make it more universal to a wider audience, that's why some of the dialogue sorta mixes cultures, generations, and slang. There's plenty more to come.
The more you play, the more interesting it becomes. I'll be sure to check out your Patreon page, eager to take a look at the update. Thanks again, it's a great game!
Is there supposed to be background music or dialog? I see the controls in the options, but for me the playback is completely silent.
Btw, this novel/graphic novel/visual novel is amazing. Seriously. I watched it over the weekend and the characters made such an impact I'm still thinking about them.
And, I'm heading over to patreon right now to become a supporter. I can not wait for v 0.17!
wow, thanks for the kind words and the support over on Patreon, too. It means a lot that the characters made an impact on you, that's one of the major reasons I started this project.
So the game is silent right now as there is no music. It will probably be one of the last things we add. I'll also note that as you play the game, you'll hoefully notice the dramatic increase in quality of the visuals and the style of the game. Took me some time to find my voice there. So when this thing is done, we'll go back through and completely redo the beginning part to up the quality. Version 2 will likely have the sound added then.
No, there's directions on the boot-up screen. You have to actually click past the screen when you're loading the game. If you skip over those screens and don't read them, you've probably already missed content. We actually added more visuals for this screen during the last update to draw more attention to it so your best bet is to read the screens when the game starts. You just need to click new game after an update then there's a choice there to automatically jump to the end of the last update. That activates everything and will prevent the errors you're likely getting. You'll have to do this with each update just because of the way the code works.
This game is a work-in-progress so we're constantly making changes to it as we learn more what we're doing. This is a first attempt for me and the team I'm building so we're learning as we go. So we ask that you read those warning screens while things are under construction. It allows you to still play the game while unlocking all the content that we add in each time.
I made an account to praise this project. I am in LOVE with Braden. He is the cutest MF ever and he looks amazing in orange (My favorite color). I also really like the dialogue, it doesn't get stale since they are so quirky. Some things that I would scream for if they were put into the game: 1. Collectibles of some sort 2. Another male student 3. A Dream Sequence that doesn't tell the player until after 4. A shop / More item collection for gifting/ quest stuff. I haven't finished the current story yet, but so far none of these have popped up!
yeah, i dont post on here regularly because the format is a little complicated and there's download restrictions. However, you can get all the stuff from the patron site at www.patron.com/aaryn you can always download the most recent free public version there or you can help donate to the project to get it 3 weeks earlier. Currently working on v0.16 outline now. Got a bit behind due to some piracy issues that seriously derailed my motivation but i'm back again.
← Return to game
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Do you have the walkthrough for Straight??
if you look in the game folder, theres actually a .text file with the walkthrough for the beginning. After that, it's more linear.
I love it, i can't wait till the next part is online.... Is there a date? I know its a lot of work. but i really wanna know how it goes on ^^
Haven't started yet. it's going to be awhile. to get this one done in the time frame we did, i've had zero days off in months so i'm resting up a bit. But then we have to do outlining and prep work. The majority of updates on game progress come from the actual patreon page just to keep people in the loop
It's the 25th..? lol
Just went live on the Patreon site, i'll update the link over here when i get a chance but you can snag it for free off the public Patreon post now
yeah I am having a hard time getting this new file to start off where I think we all left off them all going to the beach. have any recommendations on how I can do that?
1. Do i have to spend Money to See the Update link?
2. can i keep the pls Game, or completly new istallation?
3.How „Big“ will the update be ? (Dont have much free place on my pc left)
1. So the update is currently only available to the $5 Patreon supporters. This is basically how I cover costs and stuff. I take donations. However, 3 weeks after Patreon release, it goes free to everyone. The game will always be like that. After it's public, then i post the link on a few other sites.
2. Your best bet after an update is to just delete the previous one and play the new one. However, don't use old saves. There's a warning at bootup when you play the game but someone always tries to load an old save anyway and then messages me saying their game has errors. If you use an old save, the game will crash. So when you get the new update, just click New Game and then follow the red "update" choices. It'll ask you a few questions about your past choices and then drop you off just prior to the end of the last update--so basically it'll feel like you're loading an old save anyway.
3. The new full game with v0.17.2 is almost 1.6 gigs. So if you delete the old one and then just drop this one in instead, it won't be that much bigger
When I was playing this game/VN, I had a strong impression that Zack, Braden and Mikhail would become a three person couple. Any chance that might happen?
I won't confirm or deny any future spoilers. At this point, there's several hundred active game supporters that would be furious if i gave away an ending somewhere
When is the next chapter being released? I can't wait for more of Zack, Braden and Mikhail.
the newest update just dropped last Saturday on the Patreon. I'll update the link on the Patreon site for the free download of v017 on January 25. Patreon supporters get the updates 3 weeks earlier than the free folks. We've had the largest positive reaction to this update over any other one in the game's history. Warning: it's an emotional rollercoaster
Hey, I love the way the story goes but choices doesn't make that much of a difference for now, I think. Still, great work tho.
Good luck with that project.
And I just want to know one last thing. (Im kinda "wanna know end of the movie before watching it" type of guy) At the end, will they be together finally? I'm not interested in details. Just "Yes" or "No" would be enough. Thanks xD.
Good luck again. :)
The choices matter but more so to customize the experience to the reader moreso than completely changing the story. The plan was to have two "perspectives" rather than actual separate "routes." This basically means that the story is written one way but based on your choices and perception, it can chance things. We haven't gotten to the biggest difference between them but there are very subtle differences already places throughout the game.
In terms of the ending, there's no way i could spoil that. I've always answered that question as this: "I feel the ending will be appropriate for the journey we've been on." It must fit with the story or nothing mattered the entire time.
Well thanks anyway xD.
I want to make a point, tho. The game looks kinda "lacking" without music, in my opinion. Some kind of sountrack can fill a lot of space. Actually I played the game with music that I opened at the background. Music adds some kind of "feeling" to games in my opinion.
Have a nice adventure, my fellow game developer! Can't wait to see the full game.
Yeah, it's on the list. i just dont have time to add everything right now. it's a slow progression. This is just the rough draft. Think of this like the practice version of the game. I honestly want an entire soundtrack but that's going to be really expensive to purchase music rights. So we've elected to go silent for now
Aaryn, when the time comes I suggest doing searches on YouTube for up and coming artists (especially LGBT artists). They probably would provide cheaper music (or even free) and would love to be more exposed.
Ok, so this game is actually soo amazing though when I first downloaded this game I did not expect it to be so good I relate to Zack like so much its honestly disturbing how much me and him have in common, although I have some critiques for the first part of the game sometimes it can sorta feel like a time loop until you do the right thing because the dialog repeats, but other than that its pretty damn good, I look forward to the finished version. Also this is kind of sad but I actually missed these characters yesterday when I finally hit the "to be continued" screen, you've done a pretty good job if i'm actually missing these characters like they're actual real life friends of mine. So hey, kudos to you I can't wait to see the finished version.
to be honest, i have the same problem. Every time i try and take a break from this game, the characters beckon me back and i tend up writing another chapter. you're right about the beginning of the game. it does repeat because that's how the majority of these games were setup so i just cloned that style in the beginning but i ended up hating it so i moved away. This is still the draft version so we'll go back and fix the first part for sure. Also the art sucks in the beginning and I got a lot better so all of that will be redone too
Hey Aaryn ~ Man ! I totally fell for this game .. like head over heels .. TBH It took me through a ride along my own story , all those bittersweet feelings over and over again ! I love this novel so so so sooo much <3 loads of love <3
Ahh btw very very eagerly waiting for the next episode ! been checking daily XD Braden is such a sick darling i just love him <3 and Zack ! gosh he reminds me of myself soo much !! They both are so so so very relatable ! I really liked Mikhail too , yeah and that "mom-fucker" hahah he was very cute tbh , what's his name anyway .. did i miss it or did you not mention it xD
All the very very best for this and coming games ! ALso cheers to your future , Hope you'd have a very bright one <3 love from India
- Aki <3
heya, thanks for the love from India. It's super humbling to get approval of this project from all over the world. One of the early goals of this was to make it applicable to different people, beliefs, ages, cultures, and perspectives. It's just really cool when i get that validation.
Glad you're digging the characters. In terms of good ole MF, we haven't seen his name specifically in the game yet. I just did a public post on the Patreon and I'm dropping the new update tomorrow over there. Then 3 weeks later it'll go public for free.
Hope you have a bright future as well and Happy New Year from the United States :)
Hi I have followed your game for some time, and I love it.
I love the way you stand as a non/payed creator, the idea to let the players chose without giving them a penalty sounds awsome.
Will Zack ever get to...well...fuck his roomate? I mean a complete thing.
(note: I havent palyed the game in a while. I got to the strip part but diden't know from what chapter to continue)
heya thanks. Are you talking about the poker game?
After it. wil the Male Protagonist get to slide his c*** in his friends a**? or in the future?
No spoilers :p
haha good answer.
wich was the chapter after the poker game?
you could probably start with Part 2: Chapter 5. The new update dropped today on the Patreon and finishes up Chapter 8 so you got plenty to catch up on. TBH, you haven't even gotten close to where the game actually gets good imo. Chapter 6 is usually where people say they got hooked
Hi ! :)
I was wondering something: are translations ever planned?
If not, and if possible, I wouldn't mind helping or doing everything lol. (I'm French, so in French, lol. As an amateur of course, i only translate manga.)
Otherwise, the game is great :p
A few mistakes, but nothing to wry abt
Waiting for the next update~~
And, happy holidays!
Hey, you too. I have people who have expressd interest in translations. One person has even completed a French translation, I'm just not sure how to release them. The other problem is that this is still the rough draft version of the game so it is likely going to change. I didn't want people to spend time translating something that is just going to change.
Hope you have an awesome holiday too. Thanks a lot :)
Thanks ! :)
I get it.
If there's ever a need for help with proofreading in the future, I'm always here.
Have a g'day !
And gl with the game :)
See ya~ (And Braden is too cute ~~)
what do you look like bro?
I loosely based my Discord avatar off me
I don't have Discord. But I guess I will have to go get it now.. ;-) Oh and on the subject of your game. Bravo. the whole day that I was playing it I had to keep reminding myself that I didn't have anything nearly as sensational or magical as the two lead characters in Straight!? I was like "Oh yeah that first time boy love is happening in that game I'm playing , not in my life. which was kind of a bummer . for me. but that means that you and your game are doing what they are supposed too. which is draw me into a world that does not exist . but in every way feels as though it does. The only thing I have a problem with is how long its taking you too come out with the next part!! lol Kidding take your time and do it right. Thanks for letting me ramble. is your screen name at Discord aaryn.reese as well? Good Luck. and good job!! And happy Holidays!! Alan P
Hell, man. I have a problem with how long it's taking for the next part but i just announced a goal date for the release to the Patreon supporters so it's hopefully coming in the near future.
I'm glad you're enjoying the story and it's drawing you in. Hopefully, it will continue to have an impact on you. I have dozens of reasons for making this game and maybe it will help give you the motivation to seek out something magical :)
Android going to be released soon?
not in the near future but I may be able to look into it after this next release is out
This game is repetitive. Same choices over and over again. Is there even an ending to this game/novel? I honestly have no clue.
The beginning (i wanna say first 3 chapters) are setup a bit different than the rest of the game. At the time i started this project, a lot of adult games were stat based and grindy. Because that was the common and popular way of creating these games, I followed suit. However, i didn't like it. In a fairly early build, i ended up scrapping stats completely and went for more story. To fix and transition from the state-based play to strictly story, you get the current setup of the beginning of the game. Basically, if you're getting repeats in the game, it's because you keep picking the same stuff, try something different. There's certain conditions that have to be met that will pop up new choices then you should be good and the game moves forward
And no, there's no ending to the game yet, it's still be worked on. The game is released episodically. So at the end of this current build, you'll get a screen that will say "to be continued." But if you're still on the repetition stuff, you got a loooooong way to go (probably a good 10 hours or more of story). If you dont like the reptition, it won't last that long. The plan is to go back and rewrite the beginning and eliminate the repeated stuff completely once the game is done. This entire project is still in pre-alpha build. Hopefully, if you play it long enough, you'll see that i got better as i learned what i was doing and added a couple other guys to the project. So no repeats after chapter 3
Once I skipped over Part 1, it was really great. I enjoy playing this game/visual novel. Zack, Braden and Mikhail definitely have three way couple potential vibes. Would really like seeing that.
When will the new update be available?
Still working on it. Hopefully soonish
will there be any new updates
yep, there's still quite a bit of story left. The next update is just really detailed and taking forever
wishing you the best of luck
Thanks a lot. Def need it :)
Is the project dead?
no, why would you think it's dead? I dont post on here as much cause it's not my primary site but it's still only been 5 days since the last reply.
Dude, I like, LOVE this game to the point where it hurts. I legit spent the past two days or something playing through it and was heartbroken when I had been through all the available chapters. Like, that scene where they're playing tag and hide n seek and then that kiss, I LEGIT squealed. PLEASE update the game as soon as you possibly can!
heh. thanks a lot :)
Seriously glad that scene moved you cause it meant the world to me writing it. Fav scene in the game tbh (well, until the next update i think). It's in the works, it's just a really involved and seriously impactful update that's next so it's important to get it right.
Thanks for the love though :)
Hey... I don't know if you still come here... I'm trying to get in touch with you! Your game is just awesome in lot of ways... I want to help you for that but I don't really know how and first I'd like to know where you're going and if you're still up for completing the game.
I hope you'll read this com and we can talk further more next time!
heya, thanks for the love. Yep, I still check in here and I get an email when people post. You can hit me up on the patreon site or check out our discord too (the link is available through the patreon site and is free).
Yes, the game will be completed. This next update is just really complicated so it's taking awhile
Oh boy, where do i begin. This game... This game is something else. Once i started playing it i couldn't stop. It felt like i was playing it with my heart rather than my brain. The story, the environment, the scenes, the characters, BRADEN!!!
First of all i want to thank you for making this game, for putting time in your life you create this masterpiece. I wish i could meet you in real life to give you a big ass hug. I will gladly donate $10 and become an Elite Patreon member; i wish i could donate more but being a "Broke College Student", i can't.
Now, about this beauty of a game. I fell in love with it, mostly because of Braden being such a cute ass guy and the guy of my dreams, but the game itself is something i can't quite describe, It's EVERYTHING. The way the characters act and how they look, the choices that are given making you feel part of the story. Just AGHghg... This game changed how i see some things in life; it made me see what love is, what it feels like and showed me that i yet have to experience love. You or Ya'll, im not sure who made this, if it was one person or a group of people, are amazing at creating a story!
I love both the characters, but Braden took my heart, since the first time the game introduces him i felt something click inside of me. I'M IN LOVE WITH HIM! Which i don't know if it's a good thing. It just makes me really sad knowing he isin't real and i'm kind of embarrassed to share this but i cried myself to sleep knowing he doesn't exist. Just the way he acts, an athlete, is really humble, and overall freaking CUTE! I hope to one day meet someone like him, but enough feeling sad for myself.
I'm really sorry to make a comment an essay but this game is really special to me, for a person who is not emotional and really hard to make them cry, this game made me do just that. And i thank you. I wish i could show my appreciation by giving $millions to you but i don't have that. I was going to beg to you to continue this story or make another one with Braden but i saw the game is still a work in progress and that the story is to be continued so it just makes me even more excited! Although, i do have one request, you can't add it, i understand, but i would like to see a little of foot action. Maybe just for 3 slides, but it would be nice if you show something like Zach sucking on Braden's toes... ok this just became awkward. Let's move on. Also, if you don't mind me asking, what program did you use for the models and the environtment? If you don't want to answer to that, i understand. And if you ever add audio it would be cool if you add environmental sounds and sound effects not just music.
And one last thing, what kind of BMW does Braden have? just curios since im a little into cars. I'm thinking is a 2015 BMW M4 Coupe, but i could be wrong, if you don't know either it's ok. I would also like to see what Zach drives and see Braden's reaction, but that is just me, my additions might not work well with the story so i understand if you can't add them.
Anyway, i love ya'll so much for making this game and i hope yall keep continuing this story for a while. I can't thank ya'll enough and i hope the best for you all.
Much Love, RoWaldo
Made an account just so I could keep this in my collection and check for updates every few days haha. I wish I could do patreon but I just can't afford it :/ I would have loved to at least see the logs of the updates.
Dont worry about it. Dont short yourself. I will say that I keep better information on the Patreon site than over here so, you can still check out the site. The Overview tab shows the completion percentage. The next update is longer so it's taking a long time. I'm always humbled when people make accounts just to post a comment about the game. Means a lot :)
I'm supportive of the game no matter what! Take your time! I bet this update will be awesome!
Updates are pretty slow right now because of the level of detail i'm trying to cram into the next version. It's still a ways out. You can check the Patreon Overview tab and it'll show the current percentage of where I am. That's all free stuff on there. I don't update much on here sadly. It's just too much to try and keep track of
Such a hot game! Hopefully in a future update the player can play with the characters sexually by touching and having them do various sexual things, including fetishes, as if they were your actual boyfriends! Beautiful characters and extremely fine graphics. I'm 19 too, so it was slightly in what my footsteps would be :) if I had extra money I'd become a patron!
Storyline nearly made me cry. And yes it made me hard lol (that's one point of the game right?) I absolutely love it!!!! Never found a game that satisfies gays like me, so this is legit when I'm this excited over this one. Keep up the excellent work aaryn! ;*
P.S: how awesome would it be if Adam Rippon played and enjoyed this game so much he became a patreon immediately?!?
I considered things like that in the early builds but was too amateur to actually code it. There won't be many fetish things in the game other than really what's been included. I wanted a fairly vanilla approach to things so that people wouldn't be deterred by the content and still be able to experience the story.
love the game... cant wait till the new update comes....i played right up til mikhal zack and braden head to the beach.....so looking forward to what happens next.....
Yep. You caught up then for v0.16. We're working hard on the next one but it's a lot longer with some insane requirements so it's taking awhile but rest assured that it will come out. I have every intention of completing this game
sweet so cant wait best game i have played
I didn't think it was going to be much when I downloaded this game, but oh my god I love it. I completely lost track of time playing this game, and I can't wait for the next update. It's so much longer than most VNs I've played and I loved every minute of it. I'd sign up for your patreon if I still had a reliable income, but I'm definitely going to donate some when I get a chance.
No worries for the financial stuff. The game will remain free. If you wanna toss some coins this direction, it's appreciated but don't short yourself. The game is fully funded by donations. I'm glad you're enjoying it. We still have quite a bit left to tell so stay tuned. This next update is crazy...
I'm totally blown... blown away! ;)
After I first downloaded your "game" from itch.io it was so late and I was so tired that I haven't even opened it and actually forgot about it for almost a week. But then when I faintly remembered it and finally tried it out there wasn't a day when I haven't spent at least three hours clicking back and forth with it. Heck, one night I put it down and went to sleep at 6 AM because of it.
And what a journey it was! The story, the characters, the images, the emotional involvement... I sweated from anxiety, pissed myself from laughter, cried with emotions and there was one more body fluid that got expelled regularly. I mean wow!
There were so many moments I could connect with my own life, my past thoughts and struggles, regrets I still had and now feel much better about, questions I got answers to... The humor is exquisite, somehow always seems to be new even when it's just a simple dick joke. The wisdom of the writing is overwhelming, so much thought has been put into it. And so much heart! I think the amount of kindness that shines from this work is unbelievable. I feel like a better and fuller person for being lucky enough to experience this.
It's so good that I would print it, publish it and teach it in highschools! It has so much to show us about tolerance, acceptance, kindness and just how freaking complicated and beautiful we humans are.
Aaryn, to you and your whole team, I raise my hat and I send you my deepest and warmest thank you! You touched so many people, I only hope that that is gonna continue to happen and that you guys know how beautiful, important and real this work, this art, this storytelling is.
Love ya,
Thanks for the love! I really mean it. I responded to ya on the Patreon account so I wont spam ya. But thanks again for the feedback; posts like these are an inspiration to me
I Love your Game!
When will be the next update ? :3
Currently working on it. It's going to take awhile because it's a much longer update than before. About the double the size of our longest one before. No ETA on it right now but I do log a lot of info on the Patreon site
That sounds great :) If i open Patereon, i have to pay something at this website too see infos.
Sadly i have no crditcard :/
Yeah, the Patreon charges upfront now, simply because it unlocks all the previous content too. It also takes debit cards on there but some banks are kinda funky about it. However, the game will always be free.
At the risk of opening with a cliché, I only created an account to praise you on making what is by far the best VN I've ever read (played?). It is easily in a league of its own when compared to even the most highly rated VN out there. I loved everything about it from the art, the chemistry, the humour, the ups, downs all the way to the masterful writing which is where your novel really shines. I can't remember the last time a game brought me to the verge of tears and more than once.
Apart from very few grammar mistakes, there is really nothing I would change. great job and thanks.
Wow... this is amazing to hear. Thank you. Sooooo much. I love hearing things like this and it really helps keep me motivated on the project. Thank you. Thanks for taking the time to just share your reaction. It just means a lot :)
Aww. Thanks alot and thanks for joining the Patreon page, too. It's def not about money for me but it really does help. On a side note, the game should get better because i legit had zero idea what i was doing in the beginning so I'm learning as I go. This is still just the rough draft so far so hopefully it'll continue to evolve as I learn more and the team increases.
This game looks pretty good. do you plan on porting it to Android?
Hey thanks. Maybe eventually but not right now. I started this solo and had zero idea what i was doing. We've been expanding since then as interest has grown so the game quality gradually improves. So this is just a rough draft. When it's done, we're gonna go back through and redo parts of it to improve the quality using what we learned. I'm not going to do anything like extra ports or translations until we're in the final draft version because it's just extra work. Would rather do it like one time
alright that makes sense thanks for the reply
Hi! Sorry for my bad English, I'm from another country. I would like to say that this game is very cool, accidentally stumbled upon it, but I really liked it: really well - designed dialogues, unusually executed graphics and most importantly-non-standard characters, which makes me very happy. I would like to say a special thank you for the study of hair on the body of the characters - this is a very unusual moment, which I noticed immediately. I wish the author success and hope his project will be successful in the future. Only recently sat down for this game, but more than satisfied with it. Thank you for creating it.
Hey thanks for the kind words, Millarian. The dialogue was something that was really important to me in this. It was purposely written very nonstandard to try and make it more universal to a wider audience, that's why some of the dialogue sorta mixes cultures, generations, and slang. There's plenty more to come.
The more you play, the more interesting it becomes. I'll be sure to check out your Patreon page, eager to take a look at the update. Thanks again, it's a great game!
Is there supposed to be background music or dialog? I see the controls in the options, but for me the playback is completely silent.
Btw, this novel/graphic novel/visual novel is amazing. Seriously. I watched it over the weekend and the characters made such an impact I'm still thinking about them.
And, I'm heading over to patreon right now to become a supporter. I can not wait for v 0.17!
wow, thanks for the kind words and the support over on Patreon, too. It means a lot that the characters made an impact on you, that's one of the major reasons I started this project.
So the game is silent right now as there is no music. It will probably be one of the last things we add. I'll also note that as you play the game, you'll hoefully notice the dramatic increase in quality of the visuals and the style of the game. Took me some time to find my voice there. So when this thing is done, we'll go back through and completely redo the beginning part to up the quality. Version 2 will likely have the sound added then.
Sounds good... just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something because of my old computer.
Keep up the good work!
Thanks. Means a lot :)
So um, I keep running into a error
what error? if you use an old save the game will bug. There's a warning about that during bootup. If that doesn't fix it, let me know.
u mean I have to start everything over T^T
No, there's directions on the boot-up screen. You have to actually click past the screen when you're loading the game. If you skip over those screens and don't read them, you've probably already missed content. We actually added more visuals for this screen during the last update to draw more attention to it so your best bet is to read the screens when the game starts. You just need to click new game after an update then there's a choice there to automatically jump to the end of the last update. That activates everything and will prevent the errors you're likely getting. You'll have to do this with each update just because of the way the code works.
This game is a work-in-progress so we're constantly making changes to it as we learn more what we're doing. This is a first attempt for me and the team I'm building so we're learning as we go. So we ask that you read those warning screens while things are under construction. It allows you to still play the game while unlocking all the content that we add in each time.
Uploaded the download link to the most current. My Patreon Overview tab has a MAC copy. itchio will only let me post one version
Love this story. Great work. Actually had me shedding a few tears at some points.
Man I love this game.
but when I saw ''To be continued'', I was like Nooooo i want more.
so I can't wait for a future update.
Great Work
I made an account to praise this project. I am in LOVE with Braden. He is the cutest MF ever and he looks amazing in orange (My favorite color). I also really like the dialogue, it doesn't get stale since they are so quirky. Some things that I would scream for if they were put into the game: 1. Collectibles of some sort 2. Another male student 3. A Dream Sequence that doesn't tell the player until after 4. A shop / More item collection for gifting/ quest stuff. I haven't finished the current story yet, but so far none of these have popped up!
They should score some weed and see what happens from there
why did you remove the macdownload
Here's all the current public download links including the MAC
the link is broken
Here's multiple download links on the Patreon. They're still free
When is the next update will be
Follow his Patron the free update, is there. He doesnt put here the update anymore I guess
yeah, i dont post on here regularly because the format is a little complicated and there's download restrictions. However, you can get all the stuff from the patron site at www.patron.com/aaryn you can always download the most recent free public version there or you can help donate to the project to get it 3 weeks earlier. Currently working on v0.16 outline now. Got a bit behind due to some piracy issues that seriously derailed my motivation but i'm back again.