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omg  im so crying right now   not going to spoil it by saying    but damn.. that hit  me hard.   and now i cant wait for the next up date  lol...... great work 

heh, thanks. Glad people are still enjoying it after 20 updates now :)

(1 edit)

No spoilers (at least not meant to be) I said in a previous comment but that was just before the end... GREAT WRITING!! Ash is the man!! IMHO I think this is worthy of all sorts of awards! I know you said there is one more update (I think) and I guess like it has been mentioned in the story (maybe not word for word) All good things must come to an end... I am going to miss these characters in the end!! Mystery, Joy, Sadness, Humor... all there! Great Job!

Well thank you. I def get enough awards; people comment and say nice things about the project all the time and it really does mean a lot. Glad you enjoyed it. It really does check a lot of boxes but i'm pretty random with stuff and the story really bounces around like that--could be a good or bad thing but life is kinda like that, ya know :)   thanks for the kind words <3

I probably need a new update, because when you immerse yourself in the story, the game time runs out very quickly. Maybe it's because this game is amazing and I really like it. Great compliment to the developers and I hope to continue.

Glad you enjoyed it :)

I just wanted to say how impressed I am with the whole game and before I finish with what I think is the end of version v0.20.5 your story telling appears to have grown along with the characters. Hope to see more from you both  Aaryn and Blayke!!

i appreciate this. I think it's grown too. Somewhere around chapter 6 i said fuck it and started doing my own thing and i think it turned out much better than any attempt to do what the genre was already doing. Just another reason why i really wanna go back and polish the first part of the game

I’ve just finished the new update.. I don’t want to say too much for those who’ve yet to experience it. All I will say is: daaaaamn.. that last little bit got me. I think it’s my favourite update so far. 

I’m sad that this will soon come to an end.. it’s just helped in so many ways. Having grown up in small town England, sexuality wasn’t always the easiest thing to deal with, so these characters hit hard! 

The way you write.. the language you use to express emotions, anxieties, inner struggles, and the complexities of sexuality has a way of just cutting right through to me and I’ll miss that! I’m obviously nowhere near as eloquent as you, and to say “thank you” just seems a bit hollow.. but thank you. You honestly have no idea quite how much this story has meant to me. It’s the first visual novel I’ve experienced, and it’s easily one of my favourite novels visual or otherwise. I know I’ll be coming back to it over and over again, and I can’t wait to see what you do in the future. Honestly you’re amazing <3


i appreciate you and i can empathize with your struggle. That's one of the reasons I'm sharing this in the first place and it's one of the primary reasons that it remains free. Thank you for your kind words. I really do put a lot into this so I enjoy hearing realistic reactions to it like this. These comments give me life <3

Ich freu mich schon endlos auf das Update.

It's posted. Hope you enjoy :)

Es ist mega klasse 

Ich hab gelacht, geweint und fand es traumhaft schön 

well, I've laughed and cried writing it so we shared that journey together. Thank you <3

Is the next update available yet?

It's up now. I'm only able to post one mirror here so i use the one with no download limits. If you have problems or it's slow, try my post here with alternatives

Hii I'm trying to download it on my laptop but it always say "Network Error". Can someone help me :((

when its near the end of the download*


I'm not sure why it's doing that; I've never heard of that one before and I've had well over 100k downloads. I did just post v0.20.5 though so try that one. It's a new download link and it has an extra 2 hours of content on it too and let me know if you have problems. You can also try my Patreon post (it's a free post) here with alternate mirrors. One of those should work for you (hopefully). If not, let me know and we'll figure something out

I'm already counting the hours for the new version🔥🥳


tomorrow at 9am Eastern time

i dont think i would get tired playing this game. i downloaded it first while i was just h at the time but while playing, it really made me enlightened and think about the choices that ive made in life. im not done playing but i know i would be playing this over and over. if i only have money i wouldve went to patreon already. i really love the game and im glad i decided to download it. thank you so much for exisiting and creating this game💜💜💜

heh. glad the game made you think. that means a lot. I've put a lot of thought into it so it's nice to see that pay off. Stay tuned, new free version comes out tomorrow

(1 edit)

I just finished the game yesterday ...

The game is absolutely fantastic, the story is full of intrigue, funny moments and sometimes embarrassing moments. This game is the best, the graphics are also very good and the characters are wonderful.


I'm waiting for the new update!

I hope you will make the game as long and interesting as possible, with new characters and romantic moments between the main characters.

You did a very very good job, I can't wait to play the new version and many many other versions after that.

So in short I wanted to say that there could not be a better game, with an extraordinary story and characters.


haha. new update tomorrow when I get a chance to post it. There's plenty more funny and embarrassing moments :p

Just finished it.  I cannot wait for more.  Would i have to redownload it when the next one comes out?


unfortunately, yes. The way I do the coding forces you to have to start a new game each time and download each game update in its entirity. but then you can jump to the beginning of the update right after clicking new game The only way i've figured out to get around this is to code in everything in advance and there's 2 ways that's impossible : 1) i dont plan a lot of the story in advance and just write it in real time, and 2) people tend to look through the code to try and find clues or spoilers.

where would I be able to get my saves. or will it find it. also when do you suppose the new update will come out

(1 edit)

no ETA on it yet. i just started working on it and it'll likely take awhile since it's the conclusion. I'm anticipating the usual, which is a few thousand hours of dev time. it'll probably be fairly long but I wanna do it right. 

In terms of saves, never use old saves after an update. If you click new game, you can just follow any prompts from there and it'll start you right at the end of the previous update. If there's any relevant choices to that specific update, it'll just ask you a couple questions to check those boxes again and you're good to go. You can't use the previous save but we basically recreate one in about 5 seconds

So I can continue my progress? 

yes. the story will continue when i post the next update but you wont be able to use your old save but i always post a way to jump you right back to the end of the last update

honestly I'm not one to get "excited" over cartoons but the way the story is laid out got me a few times. can't wait for more.

Glad it was an exception :)

This game is not what I expected (luckily)

At first, with the first two episodes I was like "ooh boy", I didn't like Zach nor the choices the game offered (it crept me out). But I kept playing, I'm not sure why, and I'm glad I did because the story improved with every chapter. And chapter 9, "Ash", I think it's gold: it got me emotional, I cried. And I loved the characters' growth (all of them), how I could connect with them in the end, the satisfaction of resolution in some subplots, etc.

So thanks for making this story and sharing it with us!


I think the story def improves over time. I made the early mistake of trying to  cater to the norm of games back in 2017 rather than do my own thing. You gradually see me move away from that model as the story progresses. I can't wait to go back and fix the beginning part. it's a mess

Don't be hard on yourself, you are doing a great job !


oh nah.  i'm not being hard. it's just a fact. things have improved and i've learned a lot with never doing any of this before so i want to go back and fix the beginning part and really make it my own like the ending is

Deleted 153 days ago

I read this comment a few days ago on my phone and wanted to respond thoughtfully but, like you, I'm still sorta at a loss for words as well. So I'll say thank you and hope that it lands with the sincerity that I intend. This was just a really humbling post. I'm glad you had a good experience with it so thanks. I wish good health and safety to you as well <3

Is it true that you are going to release the free sequel to the game on the 13th?

it's not a "sequel". It's the same base game here but adds the first half of chapter 10. So kinda like another episode of the current game that picks up right where the last one left off. But yes, that should be on the November 13 and it is free but we're still accepting donations but there's no obligation

this game is so perfect and it's still translated into brazilian portuguese, if i had conditions i would donate more than 1000$

heh, aww. thanks a lot. I haven't worked on any translations yet because there's a lot of work to be done to the beginning part and i dont want to waste the time of translators but hopefully that will be something we can do in the future

You really created a great game was good how you conveyed the feeling and insurcurities most people have

When is the last update going to be completed?

v0.20 will hopefully come out tomorrow. After that, production will begin on the next update after that. v0.21 is set to be the last  one

Hey, just wanted to say I LOVED the game, having played it for some hours already. Really nice story and dialogues. Can't wait to play further :)

Thank you. I really appreciate it <3

is the any news about when the update will come? I'm just so excited to see!!!

I'm hoping to launch v0.20 around this weekend sometime. I'm finishing tests and stuff on it now. That will go up on the Patreon site for $5 and up donations and then will be posted there and here for free 3 weeks after that. 

If i paid for the game do i also get it this weekend?

It gets kinda weird with payment stuff because I use the automated system over on Patreon. Last update has had over 100k downloads so managing those individually would have been a nightmare. So over on Patreon, the update is unlocked for anyone who donates $5 during the month the update releases in. That's my hub and the main place that I keep managed and updated. It's kinda like paying for that "episode" if you will. That being said, if you paid $5 for each episode, the entire game gets really expensive and I'm not onboard with that so that's another reason that I release it for free 3 weeks later. But the donations are also how I fund the project but you can see that's voluntary.

Over here, on itchio, it's different. The game is still free but it's not regulated like that and I have no way to release the update over here separately behind a paywall. Over here, you can download free but you have an option to donate-it's not required. I don't like the idea of putting the game behind a required paywall because I've vehemently opposed charging for the game. I've marketed the financial aspect as "donations" since I'm not able to release on a regular schedule.

So short story is, if you donated over on Patreon, during October, you'd unlock it. If you just donated over here, you wouldn't. If that's a concern of yours and you feel it's unfair, let me know and I can try and work with you. I'm not here to take money from people and financial contributions to the project are strictly voluntary. I will mention, i'm not sure how to refund over here on itchio if that was a concern, i've never had anyone ask. Patreon has an easy system in place for that. 

Hope that answers your question, if not, hit me up

Thx for the big explentation. Sad that i have to wait 3 weeks, I donated around may so i thought mayeb there was kind of record. Because you can click on the download and say that you've already paid than you need to fill in your email. And i thought with that you can also get it asap. But if it's to much wotk i understand and will just wait until it's free. Thank you

Hi I've done the download but I can't seem to get it started, I think I'm clicking on the wrong file

did you unzip it. the file comes compressed so it's smaller to download. 

yes the file's unzipped but i'm not clear about what I do next

just double click the str8.exe file

will this be coming to steam?

I'm not sure. I've had others suggest that but I haven't looked into it very seriously yet. My first concern is that Steam would charge me or make me charge others for the game when I specifically wanted it to be free. I'm not going to charge on one platform and make it free on others. My main focus thus far has been to get the update done then I usually take a little break between updates and focus on business stuff like that. I'm also not happy with the beginning part of the game and that needs redone before i dropped something on a large platform like Steam so that could be something for the revised edition in the future. I'm keeping things open... I'm just not charging for it so if Steam forces me to charge, I wouldn't use it

if there is an update later, do I have to reinstall the application?


Yes, you will have to download the new version and start a New Game. However, when you click New Game, there's a prompt that will let you jump to the end of the last chapter and start Chapter 10. You won't have to play all the way back through. Using old saves will corrupt the save file and you WILL get errors and the game will crash. Some people tend to snoop in the code and look for game clues as spoilers so I never include things for future updates in the code. Because of that, you have to start a New Game with each update so that it loads all the new variables. 

My god, I have to say the day I found out this game was available for Android devices, I was just jumping. There is no words to express how much I love your work of art. I'm sorry about my bad English, but my god, I love your work tbh. Cannot wait for the next update :"3 Thank you so much for everything *heart*

No worries at all. Your English looks really good and I appreciate the support. Stay tuned <3

(1 edit)

First of all, this was my first time playing/seeing one of theses and now I don't think I can get this out of mind. The characters, the story, the drama i love it all. I can't believe how accurate you got these characters like Zack reacts the same way I would and  is way to relatable. The only thing I found that i was missing was for Braden to catch Zack in the act. And chapter 9 for what ever ending you chose was unbelievable and suspenseful. Can't wait for the next chapter and final release so I can replay scenario to see how the story evolves. Also wondering waht wil happen in next up coming scenes ;)


glad you enjoyed the ride <3

Stay tuned. Hoping to get the next update out in October for Patreons so it would be free over here sometime in November *cross fingers*

SO!! I decided to replay the game again and I'm just as sin love with it as I was before. What brought it on was seeing the update to getting it on android ( although I don't have one and I just recently got a new computer earlier this year. Currently I am on Part 2: Chp 5, so half way though it.

Getting to the point though on what I want to touch on. It did not cross my mind that Braden had a small tooth gap and it's so adorable. I feel the need to redraw the pic I did of him back in 2020. While playing though it this time around it also got me thinking how Braden's POV would be and how he felt when interacting with Zach, like just peaking through his mind, especially when it came to the nsfw parts LMAO. 

The game still holds up since I first saw it and played through it and I'll continue to keep it as my hyperfixation even after it's done. I really wish AI had more people to talk about it because all I do is spam on my insta story about it.

ALSO ALSO, the second hand embarassment is way too strong because Zach fr be having the same thoughts as me. I'll def tag you on TWT when I do more art of them. 

Funfact, Braden was my last piece before my last laptop broke, but now I got a tablet. I'm also planning on subscribing to your patreon, I can't keep missing content. Steady job so I'm ready to support tf outta you and seeing hte completion of this game.

Keep up the good work and don't push yourself too hard xoxo

I'll definitely leave another comment when I finish the rest of the parts again.


heres the pic from 2020 

ok, this fan art is amazing and i love it! It's so humbling to see people draw your characters in their free time and words will never truly express how appreciative that I am, when people share stuff like this. I'd love to see more

i just went through the game again.  It was different.  Maybe my choices changed things.  The first time Zach touched Braden's leg, but this time he stuck his hand down his underwear.  Braden's explanation at the end of chapter 9  left me feeling much better this time.   I am not sure if you made changes or I changed...I enjoyed the story even more this time through.  Looking forward to the next update.

Yep, you probably chose differently this time. I've made a rule about not going back to change the way things play out. I think it's bad writing for me to go back in episodic story and change stuff. Once the game is finished, I plan to redo the beginning part specifically and make it more linear as well as improve the overall writing and stuff.

Straight? is my first visual novel.  I love it.  I am addicted to the genre now and can not get enough.  This was my first and still my favorite.  I just wanted to thank you.

heh, well glad that you picked this one to start with and I'm honored that it's still your fav <3

Pls make this game available for android

I was going to wait until the next release and then try to get the android port but there's been a lot of demand for this recently so I'm pushing it up. Stay tuned. I'm working on one for v19.5 and I'll post here when I get it


I'm gonna do a post but there's an Android link now thanks to DarkAssassin

Thank u veryy muchhh



This is one of the best games that I have ever played. Honestly was not what I was expecting. It sucked me in and I can't wait for the next chapter. What program did you use to make the characters and scenes? It looks great


heh, that's a bold statement to say it's one of the best games but thank you and I appreciate it. I use Daz3D for the art stuff. It's a free program but the assets cost. We've also used Blender to create some of the environments and movies


So I’m just gonna cut straight to the chase and say that this VN wasn’t what I was expecting when I originally downloaded it. I went in blind thinking that I was going to play another point and click erotica visual novel with some saucy scenes and be able to call it a day, but to say I was pleasantly surprised with the depth and emotional nature of the story would be a gross understatement.

I don’t really identify as a writer, don’t have the discipline despite having the imagination, but I’m generally a pretty hard person to please in terms of character development and character arcs, but what you’ve done with Zack and Braden’s story is pretty magical. I feel like the slowed pace of the novel adds a lot of weight to your narrative giving the reader time to really sit in their choices (which is probably why other commenters had such a visceral reaction to the pervy route in chapter 9 lmao). It’s not just some race to get to the saucier parts of the story (which admittedly are very much there and very enjoyable) or to the next H scene. Obviously no disrespect to VNs like that, it’s just refreshing to see a tender story of identity, friendship, and found family really be explored with this sense of solemnity and respect.

I’m hooked pretty heavily and even joined up on your Patreon so I could follow development more closely so I won’t be behind on how Zack and Braden’s relationship continues to grow and blossom. Not gonna lie though I love slow burn fluff and I’m really hoping to get to see the catharsis of Braden calling Zack his boyfriend at some point!

Keep doing what you’re doing!

Heh, chapter 9 turned out to be one of my favs. I've been worried about that, fearing I'd hit the apex of the story much earlier--especially given how much I liked chapter 8 so I was honestly surprised how happy I was with it. 

I'll also say thanks for jumping onboard for the Patreon support. That really does help and there's honestly a lot more content over there with some behind the scenes as well as more of the adult stuff if you're into that sorta thing. Thanks a lot of the warm words and for just saying that the story moved when when you identify as a tough critic; comments like that mean a lot to me

will be on android?

I'm gonna try and release an official android build before long. it's on my list, i'm just spending more time writing the next update and stuff versus those things but I'd like to have the next update on android


(1 edit)

I feel like I'd want to do a more in-depth review after the story's been released in its entirety, but, for now, after two weeks of being unable to get this game out of my head, I want to say thank you.

Thank you for the long hours, stress, and effort you've put into this game. Thank you for creating something equal parts beautiful, magical, and so damn real. Thank you for putting into visuals the honest struggles that countless people are/have been dealing with on a regular basis, especially as a free download. Thank you for the balance of excitement, apprehension, and doubt throughout the meticulously-paced story that make those moments of payoff so much more worth it. Thank you for creating a compelling and authentic cast of characters, from their dialogue to their actions and thoughts, flaws and all. Thank you for introducing more genuine love in a market/world saturated with superficial bursts of lust.

And lastly, thank you for inspiring a fire of emotions (tears and all) within me that I've not felt in a long while, for crafting something that I've been craving out of media for years, and for showing me that I want to contribute to the world in a similar way.

I hope that the rest of development goes smoothly, and I'm so looking forward to what you have in store!

This  was a really sincere post and I really appreciated it. Made me smile so I'm going to return your list of "thank you's" by saying thank you for taking the time to be thoughtful and just checking in about it. two weeks is a long time to be quasi-haunted by a game so I'm going to take that as a compliment, especially for this genre. Things are progressing and I hope the next installment lives up to the hype. This post meant a lot so thanks again. seriously <3

Definitely intended it to be a compliment! The more a game consumes my life, the better it is, and the glow still hasn't faded, haha. So the least I could do was share how much of an impact it's made. <3

well, i really appreciate the time you took to do that so thank you :)

Since there is only one chapter left, please make them finally to have a sexual relation. We have been waiting for this for soooo long

no spoilers but hopefully things in the story will work out appropriately (i know, super lame answer). It's up to the characters more than it is me. I lost control of this thing a long time ago

When will the next episode be released? I'm so excited for the next parts. Great work, please let this project to keep going  :D

I don't have a date yet but I'm crossing my fingers for October some time. No promises but I'm trying

I can't wait and I know you are doing your best. Amazing work! Thanks.

thanks a lot <3

I love this game, its history, everything (especially Braden), too bad that there is only one chapter left.

Thanks for the support. One more to go. Hopefully, it's worth it

(6 edits) (+1)

Like Moggie there, I too made an accout to comment here. 

This was probably the coolest thing I have ever downloaded. I went through it in both directions. It is so well thought out. The Characters are utterly Amazing!...The mix of personality in the entire story is utterly incredible. Like Zack & Barden, I am not really sure what I am. I despise labels, I think they are the problem & not the solution. I am just not one to advertise. But I would give anything to find a Braden in my life. But Jesus, this was a story that I believe every human being needs to not only see, but need to live. I am pretty old at this point. Much of life behind me. But Wow, Just Wow. What a story. Please keep me updated on future releases, if they are half as good as this story, You got me. Bravo, AWESOME JOB & Best of luck to you. Please keep this going. The world needs Zack, Braden, Mikile, Ash & even Cody. I will come back to this story, often. Sorry I don't wish to look at it as a game, but a truly interactive book. And a Damned Good one, on par with Excellence.

Thank You


Hey Dave, thanks for the kind words. I'm glad you were able to vibe with this on an emotional level because that really is the intention here. I will say that I give less update news on here becuase it's too many sites to manage but I do put the information out on the Patreon. That's mostly for people that sub over there but you can also check our Discord if you use that. Joining that is free and you can talk to us directly and I usually end up spilling the beans on update stuff anyway because I'm terrible like that. I'm hoping for an update soon. it's been forever and I ran into sooo many problems (mostly real life stuff and my own ambition) but I'm back on track again now so stay tuned. I post it here about 3 weeks after I release on Patreon (the Patreon release is based on donations to help pay the bills) but it will still be free

Thank You Aaryn for your response. Not only did I vibe with it. It bordered on a Life Altering Experience, that validated many of my own beliefs about the broader community & that they may not see, But they are a greater challenge to the direction of the " movement " than the general public. I could go into much greater detail, but I will save that for patreon or discord should I ever get the time to chat with you. I am not sure you even have any idea what you have unleashed with this story. It simply could not be any more perfect!.....This is so deep on so many levels, It is almost incomprehensible. I have simply not been able to get it out of my head. Again, Thank You, I do not think you even know, the impact this has had on me. 


Sure thing. i'm glad it hit the spot for ya. a lot of that was hopefully intentional but I also like the way that a lot of people have personalized this more as a very adult learning experience, too. it's empowering to know that it hit its mark and is helping people <3

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey, I made an account here just so I could comment! I’ve not been following this story for long, but I’ve blitzed through it. Ngl it’s made me horny, made me laugh, and made me cry. I identify with Zack so much, his inner monologues are stunning. I have a dissociative disorder so can barely concentrate most days, this story is the first thing in years that’s kept me outta my head for longer than a few minutes. I’m actually excited to not dissociate so I can keep reading! Literally for that I can’t thank you enough! I know that sounds sappy af! 

Thanks again for making this... keep up the good work! <3 

haha. glad you went through the trifecta of horny/laugh/cry. it's not usually the reaction you get from these types of games but i wanted to do something different. I'm also glad it's helping you work through your own challenges. I write it to work through mine so it's nice to see that benefit someone else <3


this game is really amazing, the characters and the plot i really wonder how anyone can do something so perfect, i'm so grateful for the story of the game... it's helping me to accept myself...

thanks for checking in. It's def far from perfect and I have a lot of plans to polish it up but I really appreciate you enjoying it so far. Honestly, I appreciate that it's helping you out even more, though. That means a lot just to hear it's helping someone else out there. Take your time. For some of us, that road to acceptance can be a long one

(1 edit)

Super coole neue Seite 

ist ein richtiger Hingucker

sry that i don´t wrote it in english but its difficult for me 

no worries at all. that's the great thing about translate. glad you like it. it's a nice upgrade from the one before and it's been on my list for a long time

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